Why so cruel?

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Seated on the couch with a glass of whisky in hand, the Emperor looked at Alexandria, who stood before him in silence.

Emperor Alexander: It was a tough day, wasn't it?

Alexandria: Why?

It was the first question she had asked since their return from the throne room.

Emperor Alexander: I understand I was harsh in requesting you to eliminate the clan leader, but it was for your benefit.

He tried to convince her. Alexandria scoffed before responding

Alexandria: My benefit? These hands, taught to wield a sword by him, severed his head. The man who taught me to be brave and strong lay lifeless before me. The blood that runs in my veins dripped down my sword.

Setting his glass down, the Emperor stood, gazing at his beloved knight, who cried silently without shedding tears.

Emperor Alexander: I aimed to protect you, my love. If you hadn't taken his life today, your loyalty would have been doubted tomorrow. But now, no one will dare question your allegiance.

He said as he held her cold hands.

Alexandria: This is an act of cruelty. Merely to shield me from the stigma of being branded as the daughter of a traitor, you compelled me to end my own father's life with my own hands..

Emperor Alexander: Even I killed my own father.

Alexandria: You aren't the same, Alex.

Emperor Alexander: You should be aware that individuals can change, but be assured, my love for you remains constant

He leaned in slowly and kissed her on the lips. Alexandria remained like a grim statue. A sudden knock on the door brought a smirk to the Emperor's face.

The man stationed outside the room declared, "Everything is ready, your majesty. We only await your command."

Alexandria, unaware of the situation, turned to her master with a puzzled expression.

Alexandria: What are you up to?

Emperor Alexander: You will know.

The Emperor said as he walked out of the room, with the loyal knight Alexandria following him.

Silence hung heavy as they rode their horses outside the palace, heading into the forest. Alexandria felt a sense of unease as they approached. She was shocked to see the people of the Headhunters clan tied up.

They looked to the Emperor for mercy, from the youngest to the oldest, all bound. The strong smell of fuel filled Alexandria's nostrils, horrifying her.

Alexandria: How can you?

Emperor Alexander: I cannot afford to take any risks. The members of the Headhunters clan pose a significant threat. They may seek retribution for their leader's demise

Alexandria: You are being unreasonable now.

Emperor Alexander: Are you trying to go against your Emperor?

Alexandria: I would never dare, your majesty

As a loyal knight sworn to protect the Emperor, Alexandria felt helpless. As the fire raged on, the screams and cries of her people tore at her heart. The overwhelming sensation crushed her, bringing tears to her eyes.

The sounds of children crying reminded her of the joyous times she had shared with them, now replaced by grief. She could only watch as her people suffered.

Alexandria: What has made you so cruel?

Alexandria questioned, staring at the fire that turned her people to ashes.

Emperor Alexander: Everything for the Throne.

The Emperor's response left Alexandria speechless.

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