From maid to Royal

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It was a usual day. As part of her daily routine, Marina woke up before daybreak. Her first task was to get herself ready in her maid's dress and rush to the kitchen for Siya's breakfast.

Marina then woke up Lady Siya, who was sleeping peacefully. The first thing she always heard from the lady was

Lady Siya: let me sleep a little longer

Marina let out a sigh and leaned in to whisper in the girl's ear

Marina: The crown prince will be here any moment.

That did the trick. Lady Siya sat up immediately, looking at Marina with dazed eyes.

Lady Siya: Crown prince?

She repeated it as if it were an unbelievable thing to hear that His Majesty would be coming to their place today.

Before Marina could complete the sentence, Siya got out of bed, running around with excitement and anxiety about what to wear and how to make herself look as beautiful as possible to impress the crown prince, who had been her long-time crush.

Marina helped Lady Siya get ready by selecting the most beautiful gown with a lovely pink and white floral design.

As the Emperor was a close friend of the Duke and had some work to discuss, he came personally to visit him at his mansion.

However, the news of him coming along with his first son, Crown Prince Henrik, turned out to be false as the Emperor entered the mansion with his second son, Second Prince Felix.

That was when things got messed up. Lady Siya, who had been enthusiastically waiting for Prince Henrik's arrival, was disappointed to see only Prince Felix at her place. She slapped Marina for giving her false hope.

Lady Siya: How dare you lie to me?

Marina couldn't do anything but kneel in front of her.
Marina: It was unexpected that the crown prince couldn't make it. The rumors about his visit were true, but due to his training and studies, the plan was scrapped. Instead, Second Prince Felix accompanied the Emperor to the Duke's mansion

However, Lady Siya never cared about the reasons. She just wanted to vent her anger. Even though she favored Marina and considered her a friend, she was a fickle-minded person who treated people according to her will.

Lady Siya: You are to kneel in the garden under the sun for an hour.

She shouted, and Marina bowed and left to receive the punishment for the mistake she never made.

The little girl had been under the dazzling bright sun for half an hour already. People around were pitying Marina, but for her, it wasn't a big deal. Though it was a little too much for her small body, her will was strong and huge as a mountain.

It was a coincidence that the Emperor and the Duke came across the little girl while strolling in the garden.

Duke: What are you doing here?

The Duke asked, feeling ashamed for making the Emperor witness such a scene.

Marina: I apologize, my lord. I was punished by the young lady.

Marina answered without any fear of the big shots who stood before her. She didn't give a thought to standing up and greeting the royals.

The Emperor, who just stared at the girl, was lost in his thoughts. He immediately snapped back and ordered

Emperor Justus: Stand up.

Marina slowly got on her feet, making sure her numb feet wouldn't give up and make her fall, embarrassing herself before the royals.

Marina: The lowly maid greets the Emperor and the Prince.

Emperor Justus: What's this, Duke!?

The Emperor questioned while looking at the little girl, who looked as tired as hell.

Duke: I apologize. She is the maid who serves my daughter. It was inevitable when my daughter requested her presence. She greatly enjoys this girl's companionship.

The Duke replied as if it couldn't be helped.

Emperor Justus: I can see how much your daughter enjoys her company

The Emperor mocked the Duke with his statement. Without waiting for the Duke's response, the Emperor squatted down so that he could clearly see Marina's face.

Everyone gasped at the Emperor's action, but Marina carried the same calm face, which surprised the Emperor.

Emperor Justus: You bear a resemblance, except for those eyes
He murmured, looking at the Duke, who was surprised.

Emperor Justus: I want her. I trust you won't object to my request.

It was clearly not a request but an order. But this order stunned everyone.

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