Puzzled ppl from the past

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As Alice entered her room, she instructed May to fetch her a bottle of whisky, which indicated to May that her lady was not in a good mood.
Alice sat on the couch in her room, holding the glass, and one by one, she dropped four ice cubes. She let out a sigh.

Alice: This is madness! Why did it have to be his face, out of all the others? How can I possibly spend the rest of my life with someone who resembles and sounds like Alex?

She paused at the last word.
"Alex"... it had been a long time since she had called out that name. Despite everything, she couldn't bring herself to hate him in the end.

On the other side, the Lotus Palace where the royal guest was accommodated was the place where Prince Christian stayed. As he sat before the canvas, a blurred image of a woman wearing armor and carrying a sword kept flashing in front of his eyes.

Prince Christian: I was right. It truly is her.

He stared at the painting, which he had been trying to complete for years but was unable to finish.

He stared at the painting, which he had been trying to complete for years but was unable to finish

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Prince Christian: Princess Alice... or should I say the enigmatic woman who frequently appeared in my dreams?

He smirked at the masterpiece he had finally completed after much trial.

Prince Christian: Those faint whispers calling you 'Andrea'... bits of memories that are puzzled like my heart. Can you possibly provide the answer, my fiancée?

He said, looking into those eyes in the painting.

Prince Christian: Beautiful.
He whispered.

Alice woke up with a heavy head, feeling more weighed down than usual. She couldn't help but wonder why, considering she had consumed an entire bottle of strong whisky the night before. She called for May, who had been waiting for her to wake up.

Alice: I shall have my breakfast in my room today.

May: I apologize, my lady, but the Emperor has ordered you to have breakfast with the imperial family.

Alice's headache was already unbearable, and this added to her distress. Without any other option, she went to the dining hall, dressed elegantly as she knew there would be additional guests present.

Without glancing at anyone, Alice took her seat after greeting the royalties. As she took a bite of steak, the Prince who sat next to her whispered

Prince Christian: It must have been an expensive beverage after the engagement party... Are you feeling alright? How many emperors do you perceive seated here, my fiancée?

Alice: Cough... cough...

The others looked at Alice confused. Prince Christian immediately handed her a glass of water, which earned him a gaze from her.

Emperor Justus: I have an announcement to make on this day where we are all gathered.

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