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𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐀 was the jewel of her mothers heart, the apple to her eye and easily known as the favourite amongst all of her siblings, all thirteen of them. The princess was promised to surpass all of her siblings and be the first heir to the throne, should her mother pass.

The news shocked the ton and her children were furious. The men especially but they were met with a threat of banishment and sometimes downright ignored. For the longest time none of her brothers spoke to her but it was their fault for living scandalous lives, who knew how many bastards they had fathered.

So, when Anastasia decided that she had to learn about the horrors and joys of the world for herself, Charlotte was appalled. Since all of her children had departed from the castle and city all she had was her little girl left, the Queen ordered none of the docks to open.

It wasn't the fact that she was her closest child but the reality that from an early age Anastasia had been a mute. Charlotte consistently worried and payed for the best teachers and interpreters to repent whatever was withholding her from speaking. An endless worry crept down her throat, would she become like her husband?

Until one day, at the age of ten, when she looked out her window and saw several unusual creatures along the land did she shout, "stripe!"

The Queen had never been so grateful to buying the zebras and instantly chartered more over to the English land. Of course, Anastasia still forgot a few words or the meaning of some but she managed to speak "fluently" by the age of fifteen. A quick learner she was called a quick learner, she already could write given she had to ask for anything with a quill at hand.

Often enough Lady Danbury would linger round the castle with the young girl as she often lifted her cane and swung it like a sword. She allowed it all and often let Anastasia stay at her own estate, she was her aunty, blood no matter as she cared for her like she was her own.

It took weeks and months of convincing, begging her mother to let her go, she promised to write for everyday. And with final words to both her father and mother, she left.

Her travels took her far from the darkest depths of Peru to the fresh spices that India had to offer and enjoyed the sight of the Eiffel Tower. Although, through her journey she experienced something within, a feeling greater than any other she had in her lifetime of eighteen. Anastasia discovered that unlike other ladies that wished for nothing but a husband and children, a short and pitiful existence, the princess wanted thrill.

𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃  Where stories live. Discover now