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Angel © Karrie Maxwell

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Angel © Karrie Maxwell

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the publisher.

"Life was really sweet for a while."

-Roberta Flack


"Ms. Alexander, we're ready for you." One of the assistants said as he peered into her dressing room quickly before walking away

"Be out in a minute!"

Ms. Alexander responded as she ran her fingers through her long black hair, silver hairs streaked through them showing she was of a certain age.

Before walking out, Ms. Alexander looked over at her face once more. Her almond brown skin had smile lines and little crow's feet showed by her big brown eyes. She wore a plain V-neck white shirt and denim Levi's.

Everyone expected her to be dressed to the nine for her special occasion, but at age 46 she was finally satisfied with her appearance for the first time in her life.

Mrs. Alexander smiled at herself. She couldn't believe how far she had come. Ever since she was a little girl, her father told her how beautiful she was. How she was never to let anyone treat her like she was less than, that she deserved all the diamonds and pearls that the world had to offer.

She remembers those words so vividly, she held them dear to her heart. He would've been incredibly proud to see her at her highest level of success.

This very moment was a full circle moment for her. She stepped out of her dressing room and happily greeted the producers of the show.

"Alright Ms. Alexander, here's your mic and Dave is going to announce your appearance shortly." He explained, handing her the mic.

"Thank you." She smiled.

She turned around and watched from the dark curtains as David Letterman walked out on stage and sat in his chair in front of the cheering crowd.

"Hello! Welcome! Now I'm going to introduce someone very special. She's a very successful and brave figure who has shared her story with the world with her riveting memoir, "Angel". She's here with us today to talk further about her life experiences.There's a lot to be learned here tonight and I'm very excited. So, I am now introducing the wonderful Brady Alexander."

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