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Disclaimer & Trigger warning:

This content may include explicit material. It is recommended that individuals who are sensitive to certain themes exercise caution while reading as the content may be disturbing or upsetting.

Contains: abuse, neglect, drug/narcotic use, alcohol consumption , panic/anxiety attacks, violence, strong language, and 18+ content.

Read at your own risk.

Thank you for reading and enjoy the story.


"Now let's get right to the skit,

A baby is brought into a world of pits, and if it could've talked that soon in the delivery room,

It would've asked the nurse for a hit."

-De La Soul, Say no go



"Leslie, it's her birthday today, you can at least show your face or send her a fucking card," Brandt whispered and cursed into his house phone. It was May 29th, Brady's seventh birthday and Brandt found himself once again begging Leslie to show up for Brady. He peeled out to the kitchen to make sure Brady didn't hear him. He saw Brady playing innocently with her toys.
"Be a fucking parent for once and call me back." He whispered harshly before hanging up the phone and putting it back on the hook.

Brandt opened up a Little Debbie cosmic brownie and put a number seven candle in it.
Brandt hustled and sold as many drugs as he could but still, he unfortunately had little money due to all his bills, so he couldn't afford to give Brady a really nice cake for her birthday. But he knew she loved cosmic brownies and she'd be happy to have one.

Although Brandt had no money, he refused to let his daughter know that. He didn't wanna ruin his daughter's innocence. So would try his best to make it a special day.
He lit the brownie and walked in the living room.
He watched as Brady sat and played with her cabbage patch doll. She had lopsided pigtails that he attempted to do special for her birthday. Per her request of course.

Anything she wanted Brandt tried to give. Nothing was too good for his little Angel.
"Happy Birthday baby girl!" He surprised her.
Brady looked up from playing and saw her treat. Her entire face lit up giving Brandt a metaphorical sun to all his misfortunes.

"A brownie!" She said excitedly running up to grab it.

Brandt laughed covering the candle, " Hold on, Make a wish first."
"I wish..."
"Wait, wait you can't say it out loud," He laughed, "Close your eyes and make it in your head."
Brady nodded her head. She held her Cabbage Patch doll close as she made her wish, blowing out her candle.

"Alright! Here," Brandt took out the candle and gave her brownie to her. She happily took it taking a bite of it.
"Are you excited for your big day today?" Brandt asked pinching her chubby cheek. He planned to take her, and her classmate turned best friend Veronica to the park.
"Yeah!" She exclaimed, brightly showing her crooked teeth.

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