The Green Ninja Arc: Ninjaball Run

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The episode begins with Lloyd, upside down and using one hand to support himself.

Wu: Focus.

He proceeds to pour some tea.

Toge: In order to bear the fate of Ninjago on your shoulders, you must first learn to bear the weight of all of us.

It is shown that Lloyd is using his feet to balance the ninja and Wu. Zane is on top of Lloyd's feet while holding Kai and Jay in his arms, and Cole is standing on his head with Toge on Cole's head sitting crisscross. Cole has Wu on his shoulders. The ninja are all nervous.

Wu: Focus.

Jay: Sensei, I'm starting to think this was a bad idea.

Cole: Yeah, Sensei, he's just a kid.

Wu: In order for him to succeed, we must all trust one another.

Behind them, outside, some machinery is heard as Lloyd starts straining from holding all the weight on his feet. A wrecking ball slams into the wall, making everyone fall and land on the ground.

Cole: What was that?

They get up and see a builder and foreman, wearing hardhats, who unexpectedly notice the ninja.

Dareth emerges from behind beaded doorway.

Dareth: WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!!!! This wasn't supposed to happen until tomorrow!

Foreman: Tomorrow? Let me see that order.

The builder hands him the order slip and he looks at it.

Foreman: Oh, yeah. My bad. Sorry 'bout that. We'll be back in the morning.

They both leave. Dareth groans as he picks up one of his "trophies," which is bent.

Toge: Uh, Dareth, what is this all about?

Dareth: Well, I fell behind on some of my payments and some developer named "Darnagom Enterprises" is buying the entire block to put in some stupid frisbee-golf course. They say if I don't come up with 50,000 by tomorrow, the dojo is gone.

Jay: But, we already lost the Bounty. We can't lose the dojo now.

Dareth: My trophies. Oh, my fakes trophies! (Sobs)

Zane: Wait a minute. "Darnagom"? When you rearrange the letters, it spells—

Jay: "O grandma"?

Toge: No pinhead! Garmadon!

Toge: No pinhead! Garmadon!

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