Masters of Time Arc: Out of the Fire and Into the Boiling Sea

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The Time Twins made it to the Boiling Sea.

Machia: Destination dead ahead.

Krux: Excellent, Supreme Commander Machia. The final Time Blade will soon be ours.

Machia: Unless this is all a ninja trick to trap us in the middle of nowhere.

Acronix: It had best not be. For his sake.

Kai: Ugh. We can't do this. We can't let Krux and Acronix force us into getting the last Time Blade for them.

Nya: Its reversal power is the only way to undo the effects of the Time Punch on Master Wu. What other choice do we have?

Ray: Time is short and our friend's survival, your Master's survival is at stake.

Maya: Your father's right. Focus on the task at hand. Retrieving the Time Blade will be more dangerous than you can possibly imagine.

Kai: I don't get it. Why did you put the Time Blade way out here?

Ray: It was so powerful that Wu knew it had to be hidden somewhere safe. So he asked us to seal it in the ancient Library of Hono Mizu.

Nya: Hono-what now?

Ray: Hono Mizu was once a thriving port town that was consumed by an undersea volcano that buried the city leagues below an impossibly harsh environment. A combination of Fire and Water. The Boiling Sea.

Jay watches as another Vermillion egg hatches.

Jay: Ew. No matter how many times you see it, watching those suckers hatch is gross.

Toge: Jay! Less watching, more helping!

Jay: You know guys, I was thinking now that we got Ninjago's workers out of here, maybe we should join them.

Lloyd: What about Master Wu?

Jay: He's gone. It's a strategic retreat.

Cole: "Strategic retreat" is just a fancy way of saying "giving up."

Jay: What do you think, Lloyd? You're the Master-in-Training here.

Lloyd: We need to regroup at the Temple. Zane, cover Ice.

Vermillion: Tank squadron, report.

Lloyd: Quick! Before they get through!

Zane: One moment. I'm getting a signal.

Jay: Oh, yeah? Does it sound anything like this: "Move your butt, Zane!"

Zane: Cyrus Borg. I must retrieve him.

Cole: Wait. You're totally outnumbered.

Toge: He's right. There's like, a million more Vermillion out there.

Jay: There's no way you could possibly save him all by yourself. So I'm coming with you. What? We're ninja. Saving people is, you know, what we do.

Toge: Yes we do.

Lloyd and Cole joins them.

Toge: Take cover!

Raggmunk: Where are they? Vermillion, check the tunnel.

Blunck: Any sign of escape? Do you know what this means?

Raggmunk: The ninja have been eliminated.

Both: Victory!

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