Master of the Mountain Arc: The Darkest Hour

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The Geckles, the Munce, and the ninja except Cole run from the Grief-Bringer.

Murtessa: That horrible cry! That's Mief-Bringer, the dragon! No mistake.

Nya: You said Grief-Bringer was killed by some great hero!

Murtessa: It was! It's back. Skull Sorcerer must have reanimated it.

Gulch: (panting) The cave! The Strong-Cave!

Kai: What?

Gulch: The—the Strong-Cave. It's our. . . (pants) our only hope!

Kai: Oh, finally, some good news. Guys—

Gulch: (He covers Kai's mouth.) Shh! Don't say it out loud! Do you want the Munce to hear?

Kai: Yeah, that's the point, Gulch! If we leave them out here, they'll get chewed up by that thing! Follow us, everyone!

Hazza D'ur: They flee into the mountain.

Skull Sorcerer: Bring it all down!

The Grief-Bringer smashes into the stalactites and creates a bridge across the lava.

Skull Sorcerer: After them. All of you!

The Geckles and Munce take refuge in the Geckle Strong-Cave.

Gulch: Cha. . . (panting) Chancellor Kai. . . you must order the cave sealed!

Kai: I have to actually say that? Okay, seal the cave! Now!

The Geckles turn the crank, slowly sealing the cave. Then the chain come to a stop.

Geckle: It's stuck!

Nya: Forget the wheel! Cut the chain!

Lloyd: They're not gonna get shut in time.

Jay: Then we better buy them some time!

Toge: You—

Jay: —shall—

Kai: —not—

Zane: —be granted permission to traverse beyond this point.

The other three turn to look at him.


Jay: We had one shot! ONE!

Kai: Every time! We watch every Lord of the Rings movie leading up to this moment... AND YOU BLEW IT!

Toge, Lloyd, Jay, Kai, and Zane: Ninja, go!

They do Spinjitzu. Kai He boosts Toge with his shield.

Kai: Haha!

They are surrounded.

Kai: Look out!

Murtessa finally breaks the chain.

Murtessa: It's coming down!

Nya: Guys! Get in here!

Lloyd: Run!

They slide in just in time, while the Grief-Bringer crashes into the door.

Kai: Hopefully we're safe for now.

Gulch: Are you kidding? We are not safe! The enemy is among us. You let them into our cave!

Jay: What? Where?

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