Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu Arc: The Traveler's Tree

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Cole is having a nightmare from when the ninja landed in the Never-Realm. They are currently lying upside down after the crash.

Past Jay: Aw. Ow.

Past Lloyd: Everyone okay?

Past Nya Stretches, and groans

Past Jay: Now I know how my socks feel in the dryer.

Past Toge: I think I swallowed my teeth.

They take off their seatbelts and hop down. Jay falls down, losing Toge's balance.

Toge: Ha-Ahh!

They both land on the ground, groaning.

Cole: Looks like we made it to the Never-Realm.

The Bounty tips slightly.

Cole: Ahh!

Past Nya: What was that?

Cole looks out to find a cliff.

Cole: We have to get out of here... Now!

He turns around to see the ninja outside of the Land Bounty.

Cole: Huh?

He gets ready to jump out, but Toge stops him.

Past Toge: Wait! Do you have the Traveler's Tea? So we can get back home?

Cole: What?

The Land Bounty tilts over more.

Cole: Ah! Ahh!

Past Lloyd: Cole, we need that tea to get back home, remember? After we find Zane. So do you still have it?

Cole Checks himself.

Cole: Oh, no!

Past Lloyd: Cole, Cole, Cole.

Past Kai: You let us down, Cole.

Past Jay: It must still be in there! Once you've found it, you can be our friend again.

They nod, snobbishly.

Cole: Whoa! But, it's about to fall!

Past Toge: You should've thought about that before you lost the tea!

Lloyd nods in agreement.

Past Toge: Go!

Cole turns to see the tea at the front of the Bounty, and steadily makes his way toward it.

Cole: Ahh! Oh, boy. Oh, gosh! Please don't fall. Please, please don't fall.

As he reaches the tea, the Land Bounty gives way.

Cole: Ahh!

Jay: Cole? Cole, wake up!

Cole Wakes up and falls out of his bed.

Cole: Whoa-Ahh!

Jay: It's okay, buddy! You're okay!

Cole: You!

Jay: Huh?

Cole: I can't believe you did that! You made me go back to the Bounty for the Traveler's Tea, and it fell off a cliff!

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