Sons of Garmadon Arc: Snake Jaguar

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In a flashback, Wu knocks on the hidden workshop's door.

Past Julien: Can I help you?

Past Wu: I'm looking for a boy named Zane.

Past Julien: Hm. He's out back chopping wood. I'll take you to him. It's curious, you're our second guest in a long while. An old man visited us last night. He had taken ill, and he needed shelter. It was as if winter had followed him here.

Past Wu: The Master of Ice.

Past Julien: Well, of course, we gave him shelter, food. He was very thankful, and very intrigued by my son. It's peculiar. Ever since he left, Zane's been acting stranger than usual.

Past Wu: Very peculiar indeed.

Past Julien: Here he is.

Past Wu: Hello, Zane.

Past Zane: Hello. Have we met?

Past Wu: No. But some would say I have a knack at finding young talent.

Past Zane: Do you need me to chop wood?

Past Wu: Hehe. Maybe one day, but not today.

Past Zane: Then why are you here? Are you lost?

Past Wu: Lost? Hm. An interesting word. Sometimes one has to be lost in order to be found.

Past Zane: That does not make any sense.

Past Wu: Maybe one day, but not today. Goodbye, Zane.

Past Zane: Uh, will I see you again?

Past Wu: I'm sure of it. And when we do, you'll be asked to do far more than chop wood.

Zane, disguised as Snake Jaguar, rode on a train with the other Sons of Garmadon.

Ultra Violet: It's time you meet the Big Man.

Zane: The Big Man?

Toge and Lloyd rides atop a tram.

Lloyd: Where was Zane last seen?

Jay: Central Station. But once they went underground, P.I.X.A.L. lost his signal. We haven't been able to pick up Cole's intercom either.

Toge: If they're taking Zane to their hideout, then Cole could be held captive there. We can't lose Zane. We're over Central now.

They jumps off.

Man: Oh, look, son! It's the Gray and Green Ninja!

Boy: Is it? Where?

Man: There! Look!

He points but Toge and Lloyd is gone.

Boy: Yeah right, Dad, very funny.

Lloyd: No sign of Zane or Cole. They could be anywhere by now.

Nya builds something under the Bounty.

Kai: Ugh, do you mind, sis? We're trying to save Cole and Zane.

Nya: What do you think I'm doing? Zane won't last long undercover in a biker gang without a bike.

Kai: Oh.

Nya: Harumi, can you hand me the electric torque wrench?

Harumi: Yes, of course.

She hands her a tool.

Nya: Oh, sweetie, that's the torque multiplier.

Harumi: Oh, I'm sorry. Maybe I should be doing something more useful.

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