Master of the Mountain Arc: The Upply Strike Back!

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In the dungeons, the Geckles and the Munce mine under the supervision of Re-Awakened. The ninja watch from inside their cage.

Nya: Ugh!

She tries and fails to open the cage.

Kai: Save your strength, Sis. It's Vengestone.

Nya: Ugh. The Munce had faith in me, and now look at them. Right back where they were. In chains. I can't believe we were gullible enough to trust the Skull Sorcerer.

Kai: Yep. I'm probably going down as the worst Chancellor in Geckle history.

Zane: I do not see that we had any choice.

Toge: Zane's right. If we hadn't surrendered, he would have destroyed all of them.

Lloyd: At least they're still alive. There's still hope.

Skull Sorcerer: Hahaha. That's the spirit, but unfortunately, there is no hope. I have decided a demonstration is needed to show my true power over this mountain.

Kai: What kind of demonstration?

Skull Sorcerer: For too long, the Geckles and Munce have resisted my rule. But when they witness your destruction...

Hazza D'ur: Destruction!

Skull Sorcerer: When all hope is lost...

Hazza D'ur: Lost.

Skull Sorcerer: They will submit.

Jay: What are you gonna do to us?

Skull Sorcerer: You'll perish at the talons of Grief-Bringer.

Hazza D'ur: Grief-Bringer!

Nya: Okay, that's getting annoying.

Kai: Yeah, I don't know who to look at, you or the skull.

Jay: I'm looking at the skull, it's not as ugly. Hahaha!

Skull Sorcerer: Silence! Enjoy your final moments of levity.

Hazza D'ur: They will be your last.

Lloyd: Aren't you forgetting one thing? Cole. He's still out there, and if I know Cole, by now, he's found King Vangelis and told him everything. They're probably on their way to stop you right now.

Skull Sorcerer: Oh, that's right. You don't know.

He transforms back into Vangelis and laughs.

Lloyd: You?

Nya: Vangelis?

Toge: For one season I would like to not have fought one royal figure. Please for ONE SEASON!

Vangelis: Your friend did come to me. And I cast him into the bowels of the mountain. He and that old fool, Wu.

He turns back into the Skull Sorcerer.

Lloyd: You're not the first to think so. But he has a way of popping up when you least expect it.

Plundar and the Upply spy on them from behind some rocks.

Plundar: Look, the Skull Sorcerer.

Fungus: Tis' unfortunate we cannot hear what he says.

Cole: You're not missing much. Once you've heard one of those villain-speeches, you've heard them all. He's just saying "Blah blah, my evil plan, blah blah, no one's gonna save you."

Skull Sorcerer: No one is coming to save you. Have the courage to accept your fate.

Lloyd: Just tell me one thing. The Blades of Deliverance. It was you who stole them, wasn't it?

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