Wojira Arc: The Calm Before the Storm

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Out at sea, citizens on a ship call for help.

Woman: I gotcha!

Captain: Mayday! Mayday! This is the Mary Louise. We've caught a squall! We need help! Mayday!

Coast Guard: Say again, Mary Louise, you're breaking up.

Captain: We need help! We are in a squall!

Coast Guard: Did—you say a squall? There's no squall on radar. We have clear skies in all directions.

Captain: It came out of nowhere! One second the weather was good, the next --

He stops when he sees a shadow in the waves.

Coast Guard: Say it again, Mary Louise. What was that sound?

The shadow is revealed to be Wojira, with Kalmaar riding on her head and laughing maniacally. Wojira dives back into the sea, and the sea becomes calm again. At the docks, a coast guard is sleeping while fishing when something pulls on his fishing rod.

Coast Guard: I got something! Or, something's got me!

His rod is pulled into the water, and Glutinous appears before them.

Glutinous: Is—this—Ninjago?

Coast Guard: Yeah?

Glutinous: (Panting heavily.) I -- must—speak with the ninja.

Coast Guard: This can't be good.

In the city, Toge walks into Benny's Arcade Emporium.

Toge: Ah, I love the smell of arcade in the morning. Prime Empire? Prime Empire... hehe, the guys were in that game! Yeah, Jay was Superstar Rockin' Jay!

Nya: Toge, come over here!

Toge runs over to the Dancy Pants machine where she is dancing.

Nya: Check it out!

Toge: Ooh, this is gonna be so much fun!

Nya: I've been practicing a new move. Look!

Toge: Whoa, that's great! What do you call it?

Nya: I call it the "Electric Toya".

Toge: You named it after us?

Nya: Of course! Toge, plus Nya, equals Toya! To pull it off, we need to do it together.

Toge: Oh, I get it. How does it go? Like this? Am I doing it right?

Nya: Yeah. It's like dancing together, but also like we're dodging shurikens.

Jay: Oh! Like this?

Leroy: Hey, check it out! They're about to break the record!

Gamer 2: Dude, awesome dance moves!

Toge: It's called the Electric Toya, named after us!

Nya: Babe, focus! We're close to beating our record!

Toge: Ooh, oh my gosh! Holy shit!

Nya: We can do this. Concentrate!

Toge: My legs are gonna explode!

Nya: Stay on target!

Crowd: Toya! Toya! Toya! Toya --

Suddenly, the machine explodes.

Leroy: What—just—happened?

Gamer 2: I think, they broke the machine!

The crowd starts cheering, and Toge and Nya kiss. Just then, Wu contacts them.

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