Chapter 12: Money, Money, Money!

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Meanwhile, on the top of the drawbridge...

"You think you can outsmart me, Barrow?" Isaac snarled, his gun trained on Clyde, and eyes wild and burning with rage. "I should've killed you knowing that you'd do something as foolish as this."

Before he could respond, Bonnie appeared, panting and out of breath. Isaac turned to face her, his expression darkening. The River Thames glistened ominously below, the dark waters a stark contrast to the tension in the air.

"Bonnie Parker," Isaac sneered. "Come to join the party?"

"Actually, I came here to bargain," Bonnie answered, her voice steady despite the fear in her eyes. "I have what you want."

She held up the briefcase, its weight symbolic of the burden and hope it carried.

"Fifty million. All in here," she called out, her voice steady despite the fear she felt. "Let Clyde go, and it's yours."

"How do I know you're not lying?" Isaac demanded, tightening his grip on the gun.

"Then, I guess this whole goose chase would be all for nothing. I'll trade you the case, you bring Clyde to me, and we go our separate ways."

She took a step forward, holding the briefcase out. For a moment, Isaac hesitated, his mind racing. The temptation of the money was too great to ignore. Slowly, he released Clyde, his eyes never leaving the briefcase. As Isaac reached for it, Clyde with a sudden burst of strength, lunged at him, attempting to disarm him. They grappled on the bridge, the briefcase slipping from Isaac's grasp and their struggle teetering on the edge of the bridge. Bonnie watched in horror, unable to intervene.

High above, the sound of rotor blades cut through the air. Baby, Tricky, Uncle Marv, Harry, and Mrs. Wellington arrived in a helicopter, their eyes widening as they leaned out and took in the scene below.

In a drastic turn of events, amid the peak of the chaos, Isaac managed to knock Bonnie over with the briefcase when she tried to retrieve it.

"Clyde, I can't SWIM!" She screamed as she plummeted towards the River Thames.

His heart stopped as he watched her fall. Without hesitation, Clyde broke free from Isaac and dove after her, their bodies hitting the water with a splash.

"NO!" Tricky, Baby and Mrs. Wellington screamed from the helicopter, watching helplessly as the couple disappeared beneath the surface.

Isaac, now alone on the drawbridge, snatched up the briefcase. His hysterical laughter echoed across the bridge.

"I've got it! I've finally got it!" He crowed, opening the briefcase. "Fifty million pounds, and all to my—"

His triumph turned to terror as he realised his mistake and his laughter and victory ceased. Inside the briefcase was not the fifty million pounds he expected, but the ticking bomb. The timer showed a mere four seconds remaining...



Isaac's eyes widened in panic, but it was too late.



The bomb detonated with a deafening explosion, sending Isaac off the drawbridge, and hurtling into the River Thames. The shockwaves rippled through the air, the drawbridge shaking from the blast. Smoke and debris filled the sky.


Several hours later...

The Thames Valley Police and the Blues Brothers combed the river for any sign of Bonnie, Clyde, and Isaac Sharon in the darkness of night. Boats patrolled the water while officers scoured the surface for any sign of them. Their efforts seemed fruitless, and a heavy sense of dread hung in the air. Tricky stood at the edge of the water, his heart heavy with grief.

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