Chapter 3: A Score to Settle

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Saturday, June 28th: 9:00 a.m.

The sprawling grounds of the Sharon Mansion in Knightsbridge exuded an air of tranquillity as Isaac Sharon indulged in a leisurely game of golf. The sun cast a golden hue over manicured lawns, and the sound of birds chirping added to the peaceful ambience. As he lined up his shot, his concentration was interrupted by the approach of his butler, who bore a grave expression on his face. Clearing his throat, the butler hesitated before speaking.

"Excuse me, sir," the butler said, his voice deferential. "I'm afraid there's a matter of urgency that requires your attention."

Isaac paused mid-swing, his brow furrowing in concern.

"Can't it wait, Jenkins? I'm in the middle of something here," he reminded him.

"Forgive me, sir, but the Blues Brothers of the Thames Valley Police have arrived," Jenkins replied, his tone sombre. "They wish to speak to you about the incident at the processing plant. They're waiting at your study."

Isaac's eyes widened in shock at the news.

"What do you mean, an incident?" He asked, setting his golf club aside.

The two entered the elegant study where the Blues Brothers waited, their demeanour serious and determined.

"Sorry for the sudden intrusion, Mr. Sharon," Jake began, getting straight to the point. "But we're investigating your power plant explosion that occurred last night."

Elwood chimed in, "We found something interesting at the scene—a shoe belonging to Bonnie Parker."

Shock registered on Isaac's face as he absorbed the news. Bonnie Parker. The name sent a chill down Isaac's spine, dredging up memories of a past he had tried to bury.

"Well, detectives, it's certainly a concerning situation," Isaac replied, trying to appear composed. "Are you suggesting she's involved in this?"

"That's our main suspect at the moment," Elwood confirmed.

"You knew her father, didn't you?" Jake interjected.

Isaac hesitated for a moment before responding, "Yes, he used to work for me. But he had some personal issues, and we had to part ways. And they say that all great things come to an end."

Elwood studied Isaac's reaction closely, sensing that there might be more to the story than he was letting on.

"Do you think, now that she's out on parole, her return has something to do with seeking revenge?" Jake suggested. "You hired Harry Parker, paid him good money, and next thing you know his daughter's involved in murder and having to dismiss him before a trial."

"I can't say for sure, but it's possible," Isaac admitted, his eyes avoiding direct contact.

The Blues Brothers nodded, making a mental note of his response.

"Well, Mr. Sharon, we'll continue our investigation and keep you informed," Elwood said, taking out a notepad to jot down some details. "If you indeed have any more vital information, our advice would be to contact us immediately. It would really help us figure out why Harry Parker's daughter's wreaking havoc."

"Gladly so," Isaac agreed. "Jenkins, could you show the lovely gentlemen out?"

As they left the mansion, Isaac was deep in thought, contemplating the implications of Bonnie's return. He knew he had to be cautious, knowing her association with Clyde Barrow who would eventually become his son-in-law, not to mention what she and her father were capable of; if she was indeed seeking revenge, it could have dire consequences for him and his reputation.

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