Chapter 1: Causing a Commotion

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Friday, June 27th, 1986

Four years later... 

"Baby!" Bonnie called out, her voice filled with joy and relief.

Bonnie couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness as she stepped out of the prison gates, finally a free woman after four long years. She scanned the area searching for familiar faces among the crowd of people waiting for their loved ones. And there he was, her younger brother Baby aged seventeen, leaning casually against an old beat-up car with a wide grin on his face.

"If it ain't the big-shot criminal back from her extended vacation!" Baby teased, using his charm to hide the relief at having his sister back

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"If it ain't the big-shot criminal back from her extended vacation!" Baby teased, using his charm to hide the relief at having his sister back. "You know, you missed all the fun while you were gone."

Bonnie rolled her eyes playfully, a smile spreading across her face

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Bonnie rolled her eyes playfully, a smile spreading across her face.

"Look who's all grown up," she said with a mischievous wink and running her fingers through Baby's unruly hair. "You probably just couldn't keep the mischief without me around to bail you out."

"Ah, you got me there," he chuckled. "The streets of London have been quiet without you, sis."

"Quiet, huh? I highly doubt that, Baby."

As they drove through the bustling streets of London, Bonnie and Baby fell into their old rhythm, bantering and joking as if she had never left. Baby updated Bonnie on the gang's adventures and the changes in the criminal landscape while she was away. Despite the playful insults they traded, Bonnie could sense the love and camaraderie between them, an unbreakable bond that ran deep within the blood of the family.

"So, any word from Dad and Uncle Marv?" Bonnie asked, genuinely curious about how her father and uncle had been handling things in her absence.

"Oh, you know them," Baby replied with a smirk. "Causing trouble and making deals as always. They'll be thrilled to see you, though. Dad kept saying he couldn't wait to have his partner-in-crime back."

As they approached the familiar hideout, Bonnie's nerves flared up again. It had been a while since she had seen her father and Uncle Marv. As much as they were criminals and lived a dangerous life, they were also family, and they had each other's backs no matter what. Before she could dwell on her thoughts too much, the door to the hideout swung open, and her father, Harry, emerged, a wide grin spreading across his weathered face.

"Daddy-O!" Bonnie exclaimed.

He enveloped her in a strong embrace. Harry had aged during her time in prison, but his tough exterior still hid a heart of gold.

"Well, look who decided to finally grace us with her presence," Harry said, feigning annoyance but failing to hide the affection in his eyes

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"Well, look who decided to finally grace us with her presence," Harry said, feigning annoyance but failing to hide the affection in his eyes.

Uncle Marv stood by, clapping Bonnie on the back.

"Good to have you back, kiddo," he added, nodding approvingly. "We've got some catching up to do."


Later that afternoon...

As Bonnie walked the familiar streets of London, memories of her past life rushed back to her. The hustle and bustle of the city, the vibrant colours of the graffiti-covered walls, and the mix of various accents all felt strangely comforting. She had missed this chaotic beauty during her time in prison.

Lost in her thoughts, Bonnie unexpectedly bumped into a well-dressed familiar face. It took her a moment to recognise him, but then she remembered Tricky, Clyde's best friend and an American gigolo who always seemed to be around during their wild adventures. He flashed his signature charming smile, his dark hair slicked back, and a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"Mmm-mmm-mmm!" Tricky exclaimed, feigning surprise

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"Mmm-mmm-mmm!" Tricky exclaimed, feigning surprise. "Miss Bonnie Elizabeth Parker, you're a sight for sore eyes! Back from the slammer!"

"Trust me, it wasn't as glamorous as you make it sound," Bonnie corrected with a smirk. "How's the gigolo business treating you, Tricky?"

"Glad to see you still have that cheeky little attitude. So, what brings you back to your humble city? I heard you were getting out soon, but seeing you here, free as a bird, is something else."

"You got that right. But enough about me. Where's Clyde? Haven't seen him around, and I'm curious how he's been keeping himself entertained while I was away."

Tricky's smile faded slightly as he lowered his head, his expression turning serious.

He hesitated for a moment before replying, "Yeah, he's around, but you should know something. Clyde's getting married."

Bonnie's jaw dropped in disbelief. The news was a punch to her gut. Clyde Barrow, her partner in crime and once her lover, was getting married? It all felt so surreal, and she couldn't help but wonder what had happened during her four-year sentence that led him to this decision. Bonnie took a deep breath, trying to process the news.

"Married? Clyde? You must be joking," Bonnie laughed, trying to dismiss the pain in her voice.

"I damn wish I were," he replied, his tone sincere. "It all happened so fast. Clyde met her shortly after you got locked up, and I guess they hit it off. I didn't know how to reach you to tell you about it."

Bonnie straightened her back and looked Tricky in the eye.

"Where can I find him, Tricky?" She asked, her voice determined. "I need to talk to him."

Tricky raised an eyebrow. Then he sighed, realising that Bonnie's resolve was unshakeable.

"You're serious about this, huh?" Tricky chuckled, his eyes filled with genuine amusement.

"Dead serious," Bonnie replied, her voice resolute.

"Alright, hop in. But promise me you won't do anything reckless, Bonnie."

"I can't promise that, Tricky." 

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