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"I will be giving you the orientation, Jane is occupied. Regardless, let's make this quick." His cold demeanor was comforting. It gave me hope that maybe he didn't think of me as a total loser for the wreck that I was two days earlier.

He led me to a scretoire that had not been there when I first came. It was placed in front of his office doors, facing away from it. The desk was made of pretty dark wood, a desktop mouse and keyboard were the only things on it.

"This would be where you manage your duties." He said stated eyeing the set up. " You will perform general office duties, such as data entry filing, answering calls directed from reception, coordinating appointments and meetings, managing and organizing office files and documents." He looked back at me when we entered the office. "I despise negligence and laziness, do not tempt me to fire you." He said with calmness, uncomfortable I nodded understandingly with a tight lip smile. His deepness of voice and stiffness in tone gave me a sense that I had no room for errors; it was like being led by a strict teacher.

In his office he directed me to the first door to the right, a small walk in closet. "When you come in, you'll take everything of your belonging and place them here." He directed. The next door over was also a walk-in closet but an archive room. Many documents, which I assume are important. "This room remains locked at all times. I'll give you a key in due time."

His eyes seemed to have found something on me, I could feel them on me even when I wasn't looking. Now directly in front of his desk we paused and stood. I turned to him to ask a question which I forgot when I saw his eyes. Yes, they were black, most people find no beauty in them because they're common but his were gentle and kind and sometimes fierce. We maintained eye contact for what felt like an hour, until his head lowered and then he looked over to the other door and pointed "That's my restroom. Do not use it." He could have a bit more humor to his tone.

We silently exited his office, he introduced me to an older lady and left me with her to handle all of my paperwork. After an hour or so I was finished. getting up from the lady's cubicle I saw him standing at my future desk, his arms crossed staring, no emotion. I wonder if I should dismiss myself before him or just leave. I decided to say goodbye. I walked up to him and smiled.

"It was a pleasure, Mr Macalister." I extended my hand which had about five hello kitty bandaids; he looked at it and back at me.

"Jane will send you everything you must know before you start with us tomorrow." He explained then turned and entered his office leaving my hand hanging. Rude is not sufficient of a word to describe that man.

"Mama?" I entered the room and there was only the older nurse changing her sheets. She looked up at me "She's in radiation treatment, sweetheart." her motherly tone brought me comfort, but it was wednesday not friday. I saw her eyes quickly check behind me, so I turned back.

"BOO!" Grandma came out from behind the door waving her arms jumping from one foot to the other. I was genuinely spooked. "Mama." I sighed worried.

"I'm the boogeyman." she said jokingly, the older nurse chuckled, and I looked back at her. "Nurse Maddi, you shouldn't be encouraging this." I laughed; I loved seeing grandma happy even though she didn't have energy to waste. She goes out of her way to cheer me up and enjoy herself at the same time, even if that means scaring me shitless.

"So, how was your first day at your job, sugar?" Grandma questioned popping a piece of green apple into her mouth.

"It wasn't my first day mama, it was orientation. My boss showed me around and I filled out a couple of papers." Right at that moment a male nurse I haven't seen before came in, he was tall, brown skinned and had light brown eyes, and a very clean goatee. He smiled at me revealing his shiny whites. I couldn't get my eyes off him, what a specimen. He changed the trash and left.

"Hehe." Grandma laughed. "I saw that." She smirked at me and raised her eyebrows suggestively.

"Saw what?" Grandma ships me with everyone.

"Oh please, Mary!" she rolled her eyes. "He is tall, dark and handsome. Your kids would look gorgeous." She explained.

"I can't believe you are so in desperate need of great grandchildren that you are suggesting that I sleep with your nurse! I exclaimed then covered my mouth realizing I said that too loud. She laughed then said, "He is not my nurse I've never seen him before."

"You say that like it changes anything" I laughed.

Hope you all enjoyed it (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
If you don't like love triangles dont worry lol there wont be any of that in here. Just a lil of jealousy. (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) Welp good reads

Xoxo Colonel Brandon

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