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"Tomorrow Friday there will be a meeting to decide the future of a couple of small businesses we fund." I followed him to his office. "I've already analyzed and determined this year's contracts that we will be terminating and the companies we will continue investing in." He led me to the archive room and opened it, letting me enter first, as I'm a lady. He took with him a box and exited the closet; I followed behind him.

"These are the files with all of the companies we will be continuing with. Please give them a call and remind them all that they must submit full reports before tomorrow morning." It took me no more than half an hour to call and email them reminders. I thought why should he need their reports if the company already has full access to the stats of the companies they fund, nevertheless wondering is not a part of my job description.

"The reminders have already been sent, Mr Macallister." I knocked before entering as I had not done once before and he called me 'bad mannered'.

"Good. I want you to go down stairs to the 57th. Room A7 is the conference room. Yesterday Jane gave word to the cleaning crew to vacuum and tidy up the place. She also ordered food in advance from a local restaurant. I need you to make sure that room is spotless and that the food arrives on time. My father is allergic to peanuts so none of that." He ordered me away, so much for one person to remember.

I took to inspecting the conference room and put everything as neatly as possible. The cleaning crew seemed to have rushed their cleaning and left lots of dust on the conference table, which I had to clean up.

"Hello, This is Mary Oceans, calling from Listers. Yesterday my colleague called to place an order for tomorrow." At that very hour Mr Macallister exited his office. I quickly looked him up and down then looked away when I had caught his gaze.

"Yes. Well I'm calling to make sure that there are no peanuts on any of the plates." Mr Macallister stepped closer and towered over me, He put his hand on my chair slightly touching my back, which was enough to send a slight shiver down my spine.

"Alright. That would be great- Thank you." I continued on the phone. He leaned down, his face dangerously close to mine. I held the phone to where the other line couldn't hear "Do you desire to change anything else, Mr Macallister?" I established visual contact and accidentally looked at his lips but quickly looked back up at his eyes.

"My mother loves apple pies." I couldn't help but look back at his lips, perfectly pink. I looked away as fast as I could. It was impossible for him not to have noticed my eyes diverting to his lips.

"What can you say about your apple pies?" I question, Mr Macallister stood correctly, it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

"Oh, okay. Thank you." I looked up and shook my head no, soon after he quietly left Only for a second could one see disappointment in his expression.

I confirmed the address and time for the food to be correctly delivered. Organized his schedule for the rest of the month and next month, canceled and made appointments, all that to say that the day was a busy one.
FInished all my work for the day around 7 pm and took the bus.

Today I took the bus instead of paying almost $12 an hour at the parking building. So I must take the bus back home. While I waited for my second bus leaving the city, I watched as the sun set behind the distant buildings in silence. There was no one else at the bus stop to disturb the silence. A car very similar to the one that hit me a couple of days back did interrupt my peace. I shifted my body a bit and took notice of it as it slowed down in front of me. The passenger side window lowered and behold Mr Macallister.
I was visibly surprised to see him. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He nodded his head suggesting to get in. I didn't move at first and then he tilted his head and squinted. He was getting impatient so I got up and made my way into the car, awkward silence followed.

I put my seatbelt on and caught a glimpse of him, his eyes were on me, I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable under his gaze. After about five minutes of driving in silence I turned to him when I realized I hadn't given him my address and we were driving aimlessly.

"Forgive me, I haven't given you my address." I said with a little laugh I turned to see his eyes focused on the road, I lowered my head quickly I felt immensely uncomfortable, he didn't have any emotion on his face.

After another two agonizing minutes of silence he sighed and let out "You shouldn't take the bus so late, the city is getting worse." It was like the words were dragged out of his mouth, exasperation in his tone.

"I can manage." I responded, keeping my eyes out the window. He sighed and another three minutes of silence continued, not sure where it was that he was taking me, I had an unusual feeling of security.

I decided to break the silence "Your car looks like the car that ran me over the day of our first meeting." He looked at me goggle-eyed.

"Explain yourself." he commanded. "Well that's pretty much it, your car looks like the car that hit me on tuesday." I repeated, turning to look at him. "Will." He muttered, he appeared to have lost his cool. But after a minute or so he was back to his normal cold distant self.

"There'll be a parking space in front of the building tomorrow reserved for you. Don't ride the bus to Listers anymore; it makes our company look incapable of taking care of its employees." what a self absorbed person I thought at first but then I realized he was doing me a favor.

I mustered up the courage to ask him where he was driving us. "To your home." He answered.

"How is it that you remember my address, Mr Macallister." He briefly glanced at me then turned his attention back to the road, annoyance. Why should I care about his annoyance when he had been driving me God knows where for so long?

"This is not the way to my home, sir." I continued, he appeared severely irritated. It tickled me a bit seeing him so flustered.

I opened my mouth again to speak, but before anything left my mouth he spoke "I wouldn't let anyone so close to our institution without doing an extensive background check, miss Oceans." He started off with an attitude but managed to lower his tone.

"Hum. Well that's good it would be extremely tragic to let a criminal into your bubble." I stated with a bit of sarcasm in my truth. I smirked trying to get under his skin, which I think I managed to do seeing him shift uncomfortably.

Shortly after we arrived at my grandmother's cottage. The road was about 100 yards from the cottage and the pathway to it was dirt, surrounded by tall trees and overgrown grass, honestly witchy.

"Thank you, sir." I appreciated unbuckling my seatbelt, as did he. He got around rather fast and opened my door like a perfect gentleman. Maybe he is not a total jerk I thought and then retrieved my thought when he left without even acknowledging my gratitude. He simply slammed the door shut when I had exited and left. Yes, a total jerk, that is all he was.

Exhausted isn't sufficient of a word to describe my state. I took a long, hot shower and thought of what to eat. Nothing. "There is nothing in this house!" I exclaimed in frustration, Checking the fridge and pantry I found a couple of veggies and a bag of apples that grandma had left in her fridge before leaving for the hospital. They were enough to make an apple pie.


Dont think I will update for about 3 days. Sorry. :(


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