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"i can feel his approach like a fire in my blood

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"i can feel his approach
like a fire in my blood."
- Holding Out For A Hero, Nothing But Thieves

It's not until Frank smiles at me, that I remember to breathe again.

Spinning myself around to face him, I watch as he makes his way over to me, forgetting why I hoped he wouldn't show.

"Hi." I greet him, feigning nonchalance while I try, and fail, to suppress my smile.

"Hi." he replies, greeting me in the same manner.

And then I'm beaming at him.

I don't know when the last time I smiled this big was. It's been a year since I've smiled at all. And right now, the details as to why that is, escape me. Frank is here. That's all that matters.

He takes a seat beside me and orders a drink.

"I didn't think you'd show." I say to him.

"Wasn't sure I would. But you know.. it's a real good band." he comments, gesturing to the musicians.


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"Mhmm." I smirk at him and nod my head. "How far did you get?"

"'Bout two hours down the road."

"Two hours? Well, I don't know whether to be real insulted or real flattered." I say and he chuckles.

"It just took some time, you know, to really sink in.. just how good that music was." he says, gazing at me thoughtfully.

I nod at him, tonguing the inside of my cheek as I smirk.

"Felt like it'd be a shame to miss out." he adds.

His presence returns that feeling of bliss to me and draws me closer.

We order more drinks and enjoy the music and each other's company for a second night in a row. Whether it be legs touching, a hand on a knee or an arm, we remain connected. Getting closer and closer as the night progresses.

One of My Kind • FRANK CASTLEWhere stories live. Discover now