The Red Queen

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Season 1 episode 9

Valyrian=boldSeason 1 episode 9

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Maenya POV

I was in the carriage with Daemon, heading to the Dragon pit, where my coronation would be.

"What will you do if this does escalate to a war? The bitch on Dragonstone has already crowned herself and stolen your fathers crown" Daemon said

"If it comes to a war, husband, I will fight it. Though the hope is that it will not, that one side will get such an overwhelming amount of support the other will realise it is a losing game"

"And if they don't"

It was clear my sister believed she belonged on the iron throne because she was its heir for so long.
Those who support her will either still believe their oath still stands even after Rhaenyra was not the heir anymore or they will think I am a liar.

And those who support me will either believe that the king changed his mind or they wanted the first born, on the throne anyway

"Apparently Rhaenys has not decided who she will support. One of her trueborn grandchildren sides with Rhaenyra, the other with us"

"If she does not support your claim, she should be put to the sword. Those who do not support you are your enemy."

"I do not wish to be a Kin slayer, Daemon"

"I know, love. But you may have no choice"

 But you may have no choice"

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Ottos voice echoed around the Dragon pit
"People of Kings Landing... today is the saddest of days. Our beloved king...Viserys the dead but is also the most joyous of days, for as his spirits left us, he declared in his own hand"

Ser Criston held up the scroll for all to see

"That his first born child, Maenya, should succeed him!"

Applause and cheers bounced off every wall in the Dragonpit.
The guard made a path between them, going through the crowds and up the stairs, their swords raised to the sky as Maenya herself, dressed head to toe in Red walked the path, the swords coming down everytime she walked past them.


"It is your great good fortune and privilege to be here to witness this a new day for our city! A new day for our realm! A new lead us!

She moved up the stairs as Daemon stood before her, the conquerors crown in his hands.
"The crown of the Conqueror passed down through generations!" He yelled
And placed it on Maenya's head.

She rose and turned to look at the crowds.

"Queen Maenya Targaryen. First of her name. Queen of the Andles and The Rhoynar and The first men. Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the realm!"
Daemon's voice boomed.

"Maenya the Queen!" Criston yelled and applause broke out in a catastrophic wave of loudness
Cheers, people yelling "long live the Queen"

Maenya, looking every bit as Queenly as they pronounced her to be was handed the Conquerors sword.

She faced the point downwards and stabbed the ground with it, holding it on display, the applause grew louder.

Truly magnificent.

Out of the Corner of her eye Maenya could see a dragon flying in the distance, Meleys, who must've escaped with Rhaenys before anyone had gotten in the dragon pit.

Not that Maenya cared.
She was the true Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and now everyone in Kings Landing knew it too, soon the rest of Westeros

"Long live the Queen!"

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