And the war of Fire and Blood began

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Season 1 episode 10

Valyrian=boldSeason 1 episode 10

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The young prince Lucerys landed his pearly white dragon in the courtyard of storms end, at first confident filled his body, his dear mother had said he would receive a warm welcome and he trusted her

But that calm and confidence left his body the second he heard a roar that didn't belong to Arrax,

A blue-orange dragon was also in the court yard, he could've recognised it anywhere, Talos, the baby dragon of Meraxes and where Talos was, Laella was.

His smile dropped, was he too late?

"I am prince Lucerys Velaryon, I bring a message for Lord Borros from the Queen"

The guards nodded and led him inside.

He was announced as he entered
"Prince Lucerys Velaryon, son of Princess Rhaenyra"

"Lord Borros" Lucerys said with a straight face, even though it always fell when he saw Laella already there
"I have brought you a message from my mother...the Queen"

Laella laughed

"Yet earlier today I received an envoy from another Queen. Which is it?
The house of the dragon does not seem to know who rules it" he laughed then his face turned cold again
"What's your mother's message?"

Lucerys held out the message for a guard to take.
Glares were shared between the two children and Lucerys put his hand on his sword.

The maester read the message and then whispered it Lord Borros, to which he was not pleased

"'Remind' me of my father's oath? At least Queen Maenya came with an offer, my swords and banner men for a marriage pact between my granddaughter and her youngest son!"
Tell me, if I were to do what your mother asked, which one of my daughters will you marry, pup?"

Lucerys took his glaring eyes away from Laella to look nervously at the Lord of Storms end
"I'm afraid I am not free to marry, my Lord. I am already betrothed"

"So you come with empty hands?"
He asks
"Go home pup and tell your mother that the Lord of Storms end is not some dog that she can whistle up at need to set against her foes"

"I shall take your anwser to the Queen, My Lord" Lucerys said and Laella rolled her eyes

"Take the princes Laella back to her Dragon" Lord Borros said but before that he motioned for Laella to come closer
"Tell your mother that when she gives us the location of where to go, that I will send my men there"

"Thank you, my Lord" Laella nodded at him

It was a raging storm outside the children had to calm their dragons before taking off into the skies, the problem lied within the fact that until they reach a point where they would go separate ways, they had to fly near each other

The rain hailed down on them and they at first flew in silence

"You know, my mother told me that when it come to a Lords rejection, never to take it to heart" Laella said

"I do not need your mothers advice" Lucerys said coldy

Laella scoffed
"Well, you might want it, considering your mother didn't even come with an offer"

"Do not speak of my mother, the Queen"

"False Queen" Laella said

"That is a lie! Your mother is the False Queen" Lucerys yelled

Laella laughed at him
"No, what is a lie, is saying that your father is Laenor Velaryon"

Both children failed to notice their dragons getting more railed up at the insults, Both of them forgetting they set speaking in the dragons language...

Lucerys growled, his face scrunched up in anger
"My mother is the only true Queen! And she will win this war!"

"Aww, I'm sure it will be very hard for you to accept once your mother is defeated and will bend the knee"

"She would never! I will fight for her to no end"

"You? Fight? You know, for a strong boy, you don't seem to be living up to your name. Being a bastard and a disappointment must be a struggle"

"I could defeat you!"

"I would destroy you!"

That was it.

The final blow for the dragons.

Both of the baby dragons grew scared and angry of the insults and then threats and dove for each other, breathing fire in each others direction.
The blast of flames caught both children on the hands, they screamed out, begging their panicked dragons to stop and to obey, but it wouldn't work.
They were too spooked by each others presence.
The children could barely see with the rains beating down into their eyes and the sizzling pain in their hands, only when they both opened their eyes could they see what happened next.

Talos a sunk her teeth into Arrax's neck as Arrax ripped open Talos's stomach with his claws.
Both dragons went limp and the two terrified children held onto their dragons, screaming for their mothers as both children were thrown into the monstrous waves below...

I'm sorry
-Issy 🥲

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