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It felt so long like the day of rebirth was never going to arrive. Every individual had something doing in preparation for Alex's rebirth. A mixture of anxiety,  happiness and fear of what the next day could behold filled the atmosphere. Everyone was so busy that no one thought security could be a problem.

Meanwhile, the demons were also busy with plans of an hidden agenda. They had mapped out their plans so well that they were confident of victory.

A spy had been sent to elyria in disguise as one of the palace soliders, he filled them with detailed information about the activities going on in the palace.

A place in the earth clan had been prepared for Alex reawakening.
Everyone was so occupied with their works that they had unintentionally let their guard down.
The solider noticed this and immediately signalled for the demons to attack.

The demons entered the town and attacked everyone, this was a mere distraction as they knew the soldiers would rush there to defend their people.
However, two demons had sneaked into the castle and attacked Alex.

As the darkness closed in, Alex's vision began to blur. The sound of clashing steel and screams filled the air. The preparations for Alex's reawakening had been ambushed by a horde of demons, hell-bent on preventing the prophecy from unfolding.

Nixie, knelt beside Alex, her eyes filled with tears. "No, no, no! This can't be happening!" she whispered, her voice trembling. She held Alex's hand, her touch warm and comforted him.

One particularly vicious demon struck Alex with his claws, sending him crashing to the ground.
Elder Lyra had arrived just in time with the healing elixirs.

Elder Lyra rushed to Alex's side, her eyes filled with concern. She quickly assessed his condition, her hands moving with a gentle urgency as she examined his wounds. "He's been poisoned," she muttered, her voice tight with worry. "The demon's claw was laced with dark magic."

With swift precision, Lyra pulled out a small vial of glowing liquid from her pouch. She uncorked it, and a sweet, pungent aroma filled the air. "This is the Elixir of Life," she explained, her voice calm and reassuring. "It will counteract the poison and stabilize his condition, but I'm afraid the poison is too strong and his human side would slow the healing process".

Lyra carefully poured the elixir into Alex's mouth, and he swallowed, his eyes fluttering open. He gazed up at her, his vision blurry, but his expression grateful. The elixir began to take effect, and Alex's breathing steadied, his wounds stopped bleeding, but it wasn't showing any signs of closing.

zephyr and Nixie watched in relief as Alex's color returned, his strength slowly reviving. Lyra continued to tend to him, her hands moving with a gentle touch, her eyes shining with a deep wisdom.

As the night wore on, Alex still hasn't recovered fully. He sat up, his eyes blurry , his voice raspy. "We can't stay here," he said, his gaze sweeping the surrounding area. "The demons will return. We need to get back to the earth clan to prepare for the reawakening ritual."

Lyra nodded, her face set in determination. "We'll get you there, Alex. We won't let anything stop us."

And with that, the small group set off into the earth clan ready to face whatever dangers lay ahead...

**************The realm of Evil*****************
The king was eagerly waiting for his demons to return.
"My king", general zarin said entering the throne room along with the demons that had caused a ruckus earlier.

"We had done what you asked us too, the prophecy child has been poisoned with dark magic, I doubt he would be able to make it.

Excellent! Now he will die and the prophecy will not take place!
You're dismissed.

The king sat in his throne with a sinister smile on his smile on his face as he thought about what would happen next.

"Oh such a pity, your little prophecy child is going to die and leave you all in distress" the king said smiling to himself.

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