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The reawakening would take place in a few hours, yet Alex wound wasn't closing at all.
They had brought him to the designed place for the reawakening.
Elder Lyra cast a worried glance upon Alex curled form, his body started emitting heat and beards of sweat had started forming on his forehead.
Zephyr held him to his chest and looked at Elder Lyra.
" I thought the elixir you gave him was supposed to heal him?"

Elder Lyra's expression turned grave, her eyes filled with concern. "It should have, Zephyr. The Elixir of Life is a powerful healing potion, but...I fear something is amiss. The poison from the demon's claw must have been more potent than I initially thought."

Zephyr's grip on Alex tightened, his voice laced with worry. "What do we do, Lyra? The reawakening is mere hours away, and Alex...he's getting worse by the minute."

Lyra's hands moved swiftly, rummaging through her pouch for another vial. "I have one last option. A risky one, but it's our only hope." She pulled out a small, delicate vial filled with a shimmering liquid. "This is the Essence of the Ancients. It's a powerful, ancient magic that can counteract even the darkest of poisons. But it comes with a great cost, Zephyr. Are you prepared to pay it?"

Zephyr's eyes locked onto Lyra's, his jaw set in determination. "Whatever it takes, Lyra. We can't lose Alex now. Not when he's so close to reclaiming his true power."

Lyra nodded, her eyes filled with a deep sadness. "Very well, Zephyr. Let us hope the Ancients are merciful."

With that, Lyra carefully poured the Essence into Alex's mouth, and the group held their collective breath as they waited to see if their last hope would be enough to save Alex...

As the Essence of the Ancients coursed through Alex's veins, his body began to glow with a soft, ethereal light. The heat emanating from his body intensified, and his sweat-drenched clothes clung to his skin. Zephyr held him close, his eyes fixed on Alex's face, willing him to heal.

Elder Lyra watched anxiously, her hands clasped together in a silent prayer. The minutes ticked by at a glacial pace, and the group's collective tension mounted.

Suddenly, Alex's body arched, his back bowed in a graceful, almost elegant curve. The light enveloping him pulsed brighter, and his wounds began to close with an audible hiss. The poison was being purged from his system, and his body was mending at an incredible rate.

As the Essence finished its work, Alex slumped against Zephyr, exhausted but alive. His eyes flickered open, and he gazed up at Zephyr with a weak smile.

"Thanks, Zeph," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I owe you one."

Zephyr's face creased with relief, and he hugged Alex tightly. "Anytime, Alex. Now, let's get you ready for the reawakening. We've got a ritual to complete."

Elder Lyra nodded, a hint of a smile on her face. "The Ancients have given us a second chance. Let us not waste it."

With renewed hope and determination, the group prepared for the reawakening ritual, knowing that Alex's true power was within reach...

As the group prepared for the reawakening ritual, a sense of excitement and nervousness filled the air. Alex, now fully healed, stood tall, his eyes shining with determination. Zephyr and Nixie  flanked him, their faces set with resolve.

The council of elders all waited outside, hoping for the best.

Elder Lyra began the ritual, her voice echoing through the sacred space. "Alex, reincarnation of the supreme god, it is time to reclaim your true power. Are you ready to face your destiny?"

Alex nodded, his voice firm. "I was born ready."

With a gentle touch, Lyra placed a small, delicate crystal on Alex's forehead. The crystal began to glow, and a warm, golden light enveloped his body.

As the light intensified, Alex's eyes flashed with a fierce inner strength. His body began to transform, his muscles growing stronger, his senses heightening. The air around him shimmered, and a mighty roar echoed through the space.

The reawakening was happening.
In the midst of transformation, something unexpected happened,

As Alex's transformation reached its climax, a sudden, blinding flash of light illuminated the sacred space, shining so brightly everyone one could see it, a powerful earthquake shook the whole magical realm, affecting all three realms, instantly they knew the supreme god was returning.

The king punched the wooden table in front of him with much force that it broke.

"How can this be, he couldn't possibly survive that poison, unless.........


Elder calantha, looked up at the glowing light in the sky, and smiled, a relived look on her face.
"All hail the supreme god, she said."


The group shielded their eyes, momentarily stunned. When they opened them again, they beheld a sight that left them aghast.

Alex's body, now fully transformed, was no longer human. His form had shifted into that of a majestic being with a shining golden armour, his skin a radiant, ethereal white. His eyes burned with an intense, otherworldly light, and his presence was suffused with an aura of power and wisdom.

But it was not just his physical form that had changed. Alex's very essence had been altered, his soul infused with a divine energy that resonated through every molecule of his being.

Zephyr, Nixie, Elder Lyra along with the council of elders all bowed to him.

"All hail the supreme god", their voices echoed.

Sounds of cheers erupted above them, the people of elyria had gathered to witness this great moment.
They all started chanting
"All hail the supreme god"

It was truly a happy day for the magical realm, except for the realm of Evil.

Alex smiled, his eyes shining with gratitude.  I am back! I promise to protect our people and defend the land against all darkness.

With his true power now unleashed, Alex stood ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, his heart filled with courage and his spirit burning bright...

With his true power now unleashed, Alex stood ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, his heart filled with courage and his spirit burning bright

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The supreme god!

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