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The ceremony came to an end and guests were queuing up to greet Alex but his attention was focused on something else. Earlier, he had caught a whiff of jet black hair sneaking around, he had recognised it from his dream and he was determined to find out who the person was.
He excused himself from the ballroom and followed her trail, after searching for her for a while, he saw a silhouette of her standing on the other side of the palace. He dashed up to her and stopped when he was a short distance away from him, she had her back facing him as usual and he marvelled at her extremely long black hair.

"Congratulations", supreme god! She said bringing him back from his thoughts.

"Who are you?"he asked.

" very soon, you'll remember".

"Remember? I......

His words trailed off as she interrupted him.

"I have come to warn you", there's a mystery to why your memories aren't fully back yet and you'll have to find out....
"Find out?" Alex repeated, his eyes narrowing as he gazed at the woman. "You mean, find out about the reason why most of my memories hasn't resurfaced yet?"

The woman's expression turned grave. "Yes, Supreme God.  But that's not all. I have come to tell you that there is a possibility... your mother may still be alive."

Alex's eyes widened in shock. His mother, that had been presumed dead for centuries. The mere suggestion that she might still be alive sent his mind reeling.

"What do you mean?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "How is this possible?"

The woman's voice seemed to hold a deep sadness. "I'm afraid that's a mystery for you to unravel, Supreme God. But be warned, the path ahead will be treacherous. You must be prepared to face the darkness head-on, and the truth about your mother's past may be more than you can bear."
With that she ran off into the woods and disappeared from his sight.

"Wait!" He called out, but she was long gone already.

Ah great! My life just became more twisted! He lamented

Alex pov:
I strolled back into the palace and by now most of the guests had gone back to their realms. Except the protectors of the fae realm.

"My king", nixie called, the seven protectors of the fae realm would like to have a word with you.

"Lead the way", I said
We went upstairs and stopped when we got to the door of the private throne room.

"All hail the supreme god"! They all bowed at the mention of my name.
I sat down on my golden throne, and asked them to sit.

Nixie stood next to me.

"My king", a woman with golden hair spoke, I could remember her faintly as one of the healers and protector of the fae realm.


"Yes my king", I am glad you remember, we protectors of the fae realm have come to welcome you back into the kingdom and the magical realm at large! We are indeed blessed and lucky to have you back!.

"I was going to return", I said looking into her eyes, I would never leave my people!

My eyes scanned the room, looking at the protectors one by one, I could vaguely remember all of them.

Elder Lyra
Elder calantha
Elder Lila
Elder kael
Elder sage
Elder Alaric
Elder Rowan

Lila was looking at me which a scowl on her face, I chuckled inwardly, the fae had always been mischievous and never liked me one bit.

Sometimes I fear she would join hands with Xandros  the evil king.

Rowan was the youngest there, he had taken over his father's role as a protector when he lost him due to the first war.

The meeting took a little longer than I had expected but it ended on a good note and I received a lot of gifts from the fae realm.

As the night wore on, I had dinner with zephyr and the council of elders.
Zephyr had fully resumed his role as leader of the moon clan and I'm quite happy for him, but I noticed zephyr wasn't involved with any female, I remember he once had a lover but she passed away and he has been single since then, he had also spent most of time raising me. Well I have to find him another one, I said with a grin on my face.

As I laid on my bed that night, I remembered what that mysterious woman had said, there's a possibility about my mother still being alive and a mystery to why my memories hasn't fully resurfaced yet, most of my memories about my past life still remained blurred and I know for a fact that those are the most important ones but something is restricting me from seeing it.
My guts were telling me, my mother's disappearance has something to do with it. And I will find out what it is.

Determined, I went to bed with the resolution that I would begin my search for her tomorrow.

Heyyyyyy readers...
After the break I am finally back and I'll be updating it more frequently now!!

So do y'all think his mother is still alive???

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