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The reports sent from the fae realm had reached the supreme god's table, he went through all of them and sent Nixie and Flavia to handle them, while he worked with the council of elders on how to eliminate the king.
They devised a plan on how they can carry out their plan successfully without putting the faes and the people of Elyria at risk, the council of elders created a dome combining all four magical elements to shield both realms from the realm of evil.

"We would pay Xandros a surprise visit, his demons would attack the moment they sense anything but you guys would hold them down, Xandros is the next most powerful after me so taking him down would not be easy, we have the same features except he is darkness and I am light,and light always conquer darkness no matter what!"

With that all five of them teleported to realm of evil, the supreme god teleported directly into the palace while the council of elders teleported to the village,the demons attacked upon their arrival and instantly a fight broke out.

Inside the palace
The king appeared in the palace and found Xandros seated leisurely on his throne, and he said:
"Welcome, supreme god!" He said with a hint of mockery.

"Thanks Xandros, I see you're having a great time. Said the supreme god as he was walking towards Xandros.

"So you have come to eliminate me"

"You're very smart!"

"Hahaha, well it's stupid of you to think I can be easily killed!"

"I know, and I came prepared!"

Outside the palace the council of elders had held the demons captive, they made sure not to kill them in other not to affect the balance of the realms.

The fae realm.
The protectors of the fae realm noticed the dome and asked Nixie and Flavia what was going on.

Put your minds at ease, the supreme god and the council of elders are out to eliminate Xandros!

The dome is to protect us from any external attacks.

Elder lyra:
I knew this day would come where good will conquer evil for good! Nixie we fae have figured out a way the supreme god can regain his memories!

Both Nixie and Flavia:
Tell us!

The realm of evil.
Lights collided with each other creating such a powerful force that half of the palace building had torn down. The supreme god's body was illuminating a powerful blinding light. While king Xandros body was torn mercilessly making him look more creepy and dangerous than ever.

"Is that all you got! Supreme god! A god with no memories of him being god! Are you even supposed to be here! You're meant to be up there! While I rule here but no! You're so selfish!"

"I am here because of you! Because no one would survive under your evil reign! Your hunger for power had made you like this! Your hunger for power made you fall and became a mere demon! The supreme god said earning another attack from xandros which his body automatically reversed and it hit Xandros forcefully, his jaw broke and blood oozed out of the open wound.

"You've always been the selfish one, Xandros! You wanted more power, more authority, more of everything! And too much of everything is bad! Your reign is over Xandros!"

"No you cannot do this! You can't eliminate me! You can't do this to your own brother!"

"Brother?! Now you know we are brothers? You would have killed me if you had the chance! The supreme god's body started glowing an ethereal light and it became brighter and brighter and brighter, burning Xandros! I'm sorry brother, but I can't keep endangering my people! The light became more brighter and Xandros gave an ear piecing scream, "Noooooooooooooooo!"

Xandros turned to ashes and the supreme god poured it into a transparent jar.

The council of elders cheered the king and his body returned to normal, the demons saw what happened and no choice, they all dropped their weapons and bowed to the supreme god!

"All hail the supreme god! Hail!
All hail the supreme god! Hail!
All hail the supreme god! Hail!

Victory at last, good conquered evil and light eliminated darkness!

They went back to Elyria after seizing all of the demons weapon and burning them. The people of Elyria cheered at the sight of them and the jar, they could finally sleep in peace and be rest assured, there was no danger lurking anywhere. It was truly a happy day for the two realms, Terra finally bowed to king and said:
"Now I can call you the supreme god!"

Elder lyra:
We have prepared a powerful elixir that will help the king regain his memories, is dangerous.

How dangerous is it?

Isn't it liquid? And when he swallows it, the memories will come back?

Elder Lyra:
I wish it's that easy Flavia, after drinking it the king will fall into a deep slumber which he must not be woken up, he will then go in trance and visit his past, that's the only way he can regain his memories, the dangerous part is, he could get stuck in the past and not be able to come back! If that happens both the present and the future would be affected!

Flavia and Nixie looked at themselves.

Is there a way we can make him conscious in such a way even if he get stuck we can pull him out?

What will happen if we wake him up?

Elder Lyra:
We can't help him, it's his memories not ours so he has to do it all on his own, this is the only way to help him, by giving him the elixir the rest is up to him! And if he is woken up without completing the quest I'm afraid he might loose all memories!

"So what do we do now?!"

He is a god Nixie! Not the child you delivered eighteen years ago!

I know but if he gets stuck in the past, things would fall apart and we would all be in serious trouble! You do not want to experience what happens when time is messed with!

Elder Lyra: Nixie is right Flavia we can only hope for the best.

Together they teleported back to Elyria and found out about the good news, they joined in the celebration of victory, however their minds were not at ease as they worried about what would happen if the quest fails, they could only hope for the best.

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