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(Wings - Montell Fish plays)

January 10, 2024

Since then, August's life has been a whirlwind of events, filled with significant changes. What was once a simple Christmas break has now transformed into a year-long battle for survival. August takes ownership of the predicament he is in and seeks to make amends while trusting in a brighter outcome.

In order to embark on a spiritual journey, August takes a leap of faith. He dives deep into self-reflection and various forms of meditation to connect with his higher self. August also engages in physical exercises to tap into his inner power and listens to high-frequency music to align his chakras. Crafting positive affirmations becomes his way of expressing his inner truth through his creative abilities.

With the guidance of Sumeria and Emory, August purges himself of negativity and embraces a state of vibrant harmony. They act as guiding lights, leading him towards a profound transformation that resonates with his very being.

"Wow, August, you've been through so much since then," Emory remarks with genuine concern.

August nods, his expression somber. "Yeah, it feels like my world turned upside down. I went from anticipating a simple Christmas break to facing this year-long ordeal. It's a harsh reality check."

"But don't forget," Sumeria chimes in, her voice soothing. "You have the power to make things right. It all starts with a spiritual journey."

August sighs, contemplating the idea. "You're right. I need to tap into my higher self, really reflect on my actions and choices. I want to find inner peace and strength."

Emory offers a reassuring smile. "And there are so many ways to do that. You could try meditation, exercise to connect with your power, and even listen to high-frequency music to balance your chakras."

August's eyes light up with interest. "That sounds fascinating. And I could create my own positive affirmations, using my art skills as a way to express my inner truth."

Sumeria nods in approval. "Absolutely. Your creativity can be a powerful tool for self-expression and transformation."

With renewed determination, August sets forth on his spiritual journey. Guided by the wisdom of Sumeria and Emory, he embraces each aspect wholeheartedly. Through self-reflection, cleansing rituals, and the magic of art, August gradually becomes more vibrant and in tune with himself.

The path is challenging, but with every step, August can feel the positive energy flowing within him. The dialogue of his mind shifts from self-doubt to hope, from fear to confidence. He is gradually reclaiming his power and choosing a different path.

August knows that as the days turn into weeks, and the weeks into months, his transformation will become apparent. His once-burdened soul now radiates a newfound lightness. The harmonious vibrations resonate through his being, and he knows he is on the right track.

August's journey is far from over, but he no longer feels alone. Sumeria and Emory continue to guide him, offering support and encouragement, lighting the way towards an enlightened existence.

Armed with a strengthened spirit and an unwavering belief in himself, August faces the challenges of the coming year with renewed hope. He knows that ultimately, he holds the power to shape his own destiny and emerge victoriously. And with each passing day, he grows closer to realizing that truth.

As for Yuna, Yuna's journey to her grandmother's old house in the bayou was like stepping through the pages of a storybook and into a world suspended in time. The air was thick with the scent of earth and growth, a pungent reminder of life's unending cycles. Spanish moss hung like aged draperies from the sprawling arms of ancient cypress trees, and the chorus of the bayou—the croak of frogs, the buzz of insects, and the distant call of birds—provided a backdrop to her new, quieter life.

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