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February 16, 2024

It's been two days since Tracy's accident. Today was the night for August to have to eliminate two people again and that rose the stakes a bit higher. August stood by the expansive windows of the grand room, the morning light casting a golden hue over the elegant space. The mansion's opulence was evident in the intricate moldings of the ceiling and the plush velvet of the drapes that framed the view of the manicured gardens beyond.

"Today's event," August began, his voice steady and imbued with a warmth that always seemed to draw people in, "is designed to challenge both your creativity and your ability to work as a team." The women gathered around him, their expressions a tapestry of anticipation and curiosity, each face reflecting the flickering excitement of the unknown.

He paused, allowing his gaze to sweep over the group, connecting with each set of eyes in turn. "Art," he continued, "is not just a hobby for me—it's a passion, a way of life. It's the language through which I speak to the world, and it's been a journey of discovery, of pushing boundaries and exploring the depths of my own soul."

The grand room, with its high ceilings and the soft glow of the afternoon sun filtering through the windows, served as the perfect backdrop for his confession. The air seemed to buzz with the electric charge of shared passion.

Maya, her dark curls bouncing as she nodded along, turned to Zoey and whispered, "I bet it's some sort of scavenger hunt or puzzle."

Zoey, her eyes twinkling with excitement, replied, "Or maybe a cooking competition. Imagine the chaos in the kitchen!"

Amara, standing a little apart from the group, watched August with an intensity that matched her competitive spirit. "Whatever it is, I'm ready to win," she said quietly, more to herself than to anyone else.

Kiara, clutching a sketchbook to her chest, looked around at the faces of the other women. "It's amazing how we all come from different places, yet here we are, together, sharing this experience."

Desireé, with a laugh that echoed warmly, added, "And trying to outdo each other at every turn!"

Layla, her gaze fixed on the grand chandelier above, mused aloud, "I hope it's a ballroom dance challenge. This room would be perfect for it."

Kiana, who had been quietly observing from the sidelines, spoke up, "I think it's going to be something unexpected. August seems like the type to surprise us."

Samara, leaning against a marble pillar, nodded in agreement. "He's been full of surprises since day one."

The room buzzed with the collective energy of the women as they speculated about the day's event. August cleared his throat, drawing their attention once more.

"I can see the excitement in your eyes," he said with a smile. "But I won't keep you in suspense any longer. Today, you'll be divided into pairs, and each duo will be tasked with creating a piece of art that represents a blend of your unique styles and stories."

"As a tattoo artist," August's hands gestured expressively as he spoke, "I've learned that every mark on the skin is a story, a permanent reminder of a moment, a feeling, a piece of someone's essence. It's intimate and personal." He rolled up his sleeve, revealing a tapestry of ink on his own skin, a visual symphony of his life's experiences and artistic ventures.

"I invite you," he said, his voice lowering to a near whisper, drawing the group closer, "to pour your stories into your art today. Let the canvas be your skin, the paints your ink. Show me how you can bring your inner worlds to life, how you can collaborate to create something that speaks without words."

𝙱𝙰𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝙱𝙴𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙲𝙷𝙼𝙴𝙽𝚃Where stories live. Discover now