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Mama Maîtresse lay in her bed, her breathing deep and rhythmic as she drifted into a spiritual state. The room around her seemed to shimmer, the walls fading into a soft, ethereal glow. She called forth the spirit of Marie Laveau, her voice echoing in the stillness. The air grew thick with the scent of incense and the hum of ancient energy.

A figure materialized before her, regal and powerful. Marie Laveau, the legendary Voodoo Queen of New Orleans, stood tall with an air of authority and wisdom. Her eyes, dark and knowing, met Mama Maîtresse's with a calm, steady gaze.

"Marie Laveau," Mama Maîtresse began, her voice steady but laced with emotion, "I have called you here because I need answers. Maera, Yuna's grandmother, has made decisions that have left your bloodline in turmoil. Yuna is suffering, and I am angry."

Marie nodded slowly, her expression solemn. "I understand your pain, Mama Maîtresse. Maera's choices have indeed created a complex situation. Now, Legba and I are tied to this bloodline through Yuna, our youngest granddaughter. We are family now, bound by blood and fate.."

Mama Maîtresse's eyes flashed with frustration. "Yuna is powerful, yes, but she is also scared and confused. She is carrying children, twins, and she deserves clarity and support. What Maera did—it's unforgivable."

"Maera was misguided," Marie admitted. "Her hunger for power drove her to make a pact that has bound Yuna in ways she cannot yet comprehend. Yuna's power is immense; she is on the verge of becoming her own loa. But Maera's actions were... misguided and reckless."

Mama Maîtresse felt a surge of determination. "I need to speak with Maera's spirit. Yuna deserves answers from her."

Marie was about to respond when the air grew colder, and a deep, resonant voice filled the room. Papa Legba appeared, his presence commanding and otherworldly. He placed a hand over Marie's mouth, silencing her.

"Leave us," Legba said, his voice a mixture of authority and resignation.

Mama Maîtresse straightened, her eyes flashing with defiance. "This makes no sense, Legba. Yuna is terrified, pregnant, and worried for her children. She needs answers and reassurance."

Legba's expression softened, a rare glimpse of vulnerability showing through. "I know, and I am sorry for the pain this has caused. My behavior towards you and others has been protective. Yuna is my daughter, and I have no intention of causing her or her children harm. I have gotten carried away in my role as a protective father."

Mama Maîtresse shook her head, her frustration palpable. "This is all so messed up, Legba. Yuna deserves more than this. She needs clarity, closure, and answers from all four of you—from you, Marie, Asmira, and Maera. She has the right to know the truth."

Legba sighed deeply, his gaze heavy with centuries of weariness. "Asmira is fulfilling her duties as my wife in the spirit realm. She handles matters that I cannot attend to personally, and she never steps into the physical realm. But you are right; Yuna deserves to meet her mother and understand the full scope of her heritage."

Mama Maîtresse nodded, her determination unwavering. "Then we must make that happen. Yuna deserves to hear from Maera, Asmira, you, and Marie. She needs the truth, and she needs to know she is not alone in this."

Legba bowed his head, acknowledging her words. "You have my word, Mama Maîtresse. We will find a way to bring all the spirits together and give Yuna the answers she seeks. I owe her that much."

Marie Laveau stepped forward, placing a hand on Mama Maîtresse's shoulder. "We will do what needs to be done. Yuna is a part of us, and we must guide her through this storm."

𝙱𝙰𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝙱𝙴𝚆𝙸𝚃𝙲𝙷𝙼𝙴𝙽𝚃Where stories live. Discover now