Chapter 3-part 3

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Cast & Location Inspiration board if you're interested.

Author Notes: I broke up and posted 3 parts to chapter 3 for a couple of reasons. First, the word count was over 6000...which for some makes for a long read when you're just looking to kill a couple of minutes on Wattpad.

But second, is because I'd love your help with the edit of this chapter. I love learning about a characters intensions and backstory, but sometimes it can get long and dull and slow a story down. I love the family diner fight (a bit too biographical at times-aren't loud, bossy families great). I like hearing from Sophia the mother (who will be back in the story and play a significant role), and learning that the dad is a dickhead, but what I'm struggling with is all the internal dialogue of Voss. Is it too much and if so, where did/do you find it dull and slow. I will not have my feelings hurt, just tell me like you 'hear' read it. I'd like to cut the word count down on this chapter but don't know where...Strong Opinions wanted! Thanks.

Still at the diner table.....conclusion of Chapter 3.......

Marion said with calm sincerity, "She has never spoken more than a 'please leave me alone' to the press. It's actually quite extraordinary. I have watched every report. She keeps her head down and walks away." And then she added her tag of condescension onto the end. "Especially considering she has no formal experience nor education. I'm not entirely sure if she even graduated high school."

"Just wait, give it time," Mikeal said with his usual amount of smug stupidity. "She is only waiting for the highest offer. The longer she holds out, the higher the price goes up."

Ivor launched himself across the table at their middle brother. "You were not there, you little shit. You would have shit yourself if you had to do what she did."

"That is enough! Sit down all of you." Sophia scolded her adult children. " If we are ever going to make this right, we shall need a cohesive strategy. Alexander, I am not certain that an interview is the best for the family or for Mrs. McKindly. I believe that we need to reach out to her to offer assistance and legal council to see her through the coming weeks of media scrutiny. I should have predicted it and prepared something for her from the start. I see that now, Paul. That was clearly a mistake on my part. Alexander, do you think perhaps dear Samantha may be a good person to speak to about such media strategy."

"I booked a ticket to Montreal," Paul said. "After my brace comes off, I'm going to go see Lou, in person. It's where I'm spending my summer, Mother, so you can just forget about the island for me. She has two small kids, Mother and no husband. She needs someone to help her with...stuff." Paul and all his glorious, self-righteous indignation sat at last tall and content. Going against all rules of table etiquette, he picked up the quail with his fingers and tore into the remainder of his bird with gusto, his appetite returning with his obsession well in hand.

"Darling, that is such a nice thought, but not practical," Sophia said with serene authority. "I'll be sure to think on the matter and send the proper support to this woman.

"Now, shall I ring for coffee with dessert or shall we open another bottle of the 'eighty-two?"

Voss sat at the table to humor his mother for ten more minutes then excused himself to make a phone call. He turned on his computer and looked up the latest posting on Emmylou.

One of the less than honorable guests at her husband's funeral, which had been by invitation only due to the obvious media attention, had secretly filmed and posted video and pictures of Emmylou online. Lou held her head high for the majority of the services. She wore a deep purple, nearly black silk blouse and black fitted skirt, small, shapely and elegant, she looked too beautiful and young to be a widow. Her composure and dignity was rare, and something else, if anyone should recognize regal, it was the grandson of a king. Mrs. McKindly was regal, that was the something else.

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