Chapter 7-Making Plans

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Chapter 7

Sam and his brothers were already at breakfast by the time Voss showered and got dressed. The weather was sunny and warm. He put on his sunglasses and joined them at the roof top terrace of the hotel.

"Hey there, sunshine, you look like shit. Did you sleep at all?" Sam asked as he pulled his chair out to join them at the table.

"Morning, Samantha, and thank you for continuing to enlighten us with the obvious. Where's the coffee?" Voss grunted and twisted his head around looking for the server.

"We need to find out the names and addresses of the dickhead reporters that are stalking her and cut their balls off, agreed?" Ivor tossed his iPad on the table and was met with nods.

"Voss, we're going to help Lou anyway we can," Ander said. "We all owe her. But you need to keep Mr. Hollywood-ladies-man in check and be more careful here. Ivor and I think we should handle things with her from now on."

"Her husband died a month ago," Voss said in an 'I'm about to bite your head off' tone. "Give Emmylou and I a little human credit here." He turned to speak to Ivor thinking he would be his only ally at the table.

"All right, Voss, but you don't have a good track record at just being friends with hot women," Ander said and arched his condescending, dickhead, eyebrows higher.

"Sam and I have been friends for over ten years. Isabelle is a good friend and doesn't treat me like a piece of shit unlike my supportive family," he said as sarcastically as possible.

"Sam's into women and Isabelle is married to your best friend, neither one counts." Ivor laughed under his breath.

"Sunshine, might I remind you that we started out as fuck-buddies and you used to pull my hair a little too hard when you used to fuck me hard from behind. The point is, darling, you don't have a good track record of gal pals. So perhaps it would be for the best if you put the idea of you and Lou braiding each other's hair and slumber parties out of your head and leave the poor woman's PR to me and your brothers." Sam shot him a sly grin of satisfaction. She always enjoyed it a little too much when his brothers were taking sides against him.

Voss drank his coffee, and brooded. The more he denied his attraction to Emmylou, the more his family disbelieved him.

Over breakfast the talk turned to the latest media coverage. Sam had already been up early working and making calls. She was actually very good at her job and was in negotiations with Anderson Cooper to do a sit down interview with him in the next few days. The interview would go along with a researched report on the Columbian Cartel and the new political factions that were supporting them through different back room channels. They were diversifying their criminal enterprises with pirating, kidnapping for ransom and a newly emerging market of supplying weapons and training to Middle East terrorist groups. What was news worthy was the number of kidnappings and the expanding regions they were traveling outside of Columbia to pirate and ambush targeted individuals, politicians, celebrities, any one high-profile. This point would end the unsubstantiated claims that Carter McKindly had any ties to mob related activity that led the dive boat to be taken.

The other part of the story that interested Voss was the political manoeuvring of certain high ranked Columbian officials. They were openly supporting and defending the rebels. CNN's report was going to first question and interview community activists in Columbia that connect the new growing group of rebel pirates as they were being called, and the coastal government officials off of Columbia. The main reason for their support to the rebels was an agreement that they, and those connected to them, would not be targeted.

"Anderson wants to talk to you on a conference call with the producer today," Sam said. "They want details and facts so they can corroborate your story before the interview. They requested that I provide access to Lou and her sister and brother-in-law. They want to talk to everyone. I explained to them Paul would be unavailable due to his recovery."

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