Chapter 14-Kiss One Summer Night

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Chapter 14

After dinner the kids wanted to play a few games. The sun set so late here this time of year that it was hard to convince the kids it was bedtime, ever. Everyone was still full of energy so Paul suggested they all go to the media room for some video games and TV. Ivor opted to hang out with the younger crowd.

Sofia retired early saying she had a headache and that left Ander, Voss and Lou at the table alone.


"Well I think I'll head to my 'little' place," she said using air quotes, her cottage was anything but little, but the whole family seemed to refer to it as 'the little' cottage. "You two probably have a lot of catching up to do. Can you ask Paul to walk the boys over when they're done?" She stood up from the table and pushed her heavy chair in.

"Come sit outside with us and have a drink." Voss was standing right in front of her, blocking her path, slightly needing to bend his neck to look down into her eyes.

"I don't know if I should, it's late..." She twisted around towards the door.

"And you need to get up early to beat the traffic line at the breakfast buffet? Come on, one drink with Ander and I." He was standing so close she could smell his shampoo with an undercurrent of male musk and damn it to hell if it didn't smell like heaven on earth.

"One drink if Ander's pouring is equal to four regular drinks."

"It's not like you have to drive anywhere after." Voss cocked his eyebrow totally cheating and playing unfair with his handsome features.

She smiled over at Ander, her drinking buddy as of late. "We polished off all the scotch last night."

Ander held up a new bottle of Macallan.

"Having rich friends is ruining her well honed taste for cheap booze," Lou said.

Voss pulled a bottle of vodka from the side bar, three glasses and a bucket of ice. They sat out on the wide covered porch and Ander passed her a soft cashmere throw for her legs.

"So what's the latest gossip from set, Voss? Who's fucking who? Who's going into rehab? Give us the good stuff," Ander asked as he put his feet up on the small coffee table in front of him.

"Pretty dull run of the mill . Total trailer set, everyone just keeps to themselves. Lorna is off to Switzerland for the rest of the summer. The studio shut us down. Gus has put four years already into this project, I feel bad for the guy...Fuck, Ander, you owe me a new phone." Voss was peeling his soaked phone out of his pants pocket that had been left out on the porch rail to keep from dripping on Sophia's fancy floors, making extra work for the maids.

Lou let slip a small giggle, no thanks to the wine at dinner.

Ander smiled over at her and took a long pull from his glass. "You're on vacation, Hollywood. You don't want to be bothered. I did you a favour. You owe me really."

She sipped her drink. This stuff was good, smooth and it flowed down the back of her throat like liquid gold and she liked it. Lou closed her eyes and appreciated the feeling of relaxation that her muscles were instantly receiving thanks to the clear fiery fluid.

"You seem at home here, Lou. Are you having a good summer?" Voss asked and she popped her eyes open to find him staring at her with a wicked grin held set on his handsome mouth.

"Yes, this island is amazing, feels like magic sometimes walking around in the wood under moonlight. As if nothing bad could ever touch us here, like this place is disconnected from the real world and we're just suspended here in limbo for a while—shoot this vodka must be good. I'm already sounding like a hick." She laughed it off and said, "Paul has been great for the boys. They are his two little shadows right now. Your mom has been gracious, she's really an amazing woman."

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