Chapter 5

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Tony and Peter got used to each other fairly quickly. They had a steady routine in which Peter would fill the silence with conversation and Tony would smile affectionately at him.

Tony didn't know when he became so soft inside. He only knew that some inner instinct had awakened in him, through which Tony looked forward longingly to his laboratory days.

In this way, it had been a week since Peter started his internship. May was suspiciously nice to Peter at first, but that changed after a few days.

Peter came home from school tired, and instead of starting his homework immediately, he went to bed. After four hours, he was snapped out of his slumber by May, yelling at him because "he was lazy."

Rather needless to say, his sleep schedule was completely disrupted, causing him to stay up all night. May punished him for this by spanking him and beating him on the back.

She cleverly targeted places that were easily covered. Peter cried all night and was terribly tired at school. His only consolation was that today he would meet Mr. Stark.

Happy, as usual, picked him up after school and, seeing the boy's depressed mood, discreetly informed Tony that the boy was sad. Tony was a little concerned, but decided to find out what happened to his little boy by himself.

As soon as Peter stepped out of the elevator he immediately noticed the kid's watery eyes.

"Are you feeling well, Pete?" asked Tony in a gentle voice that was meant only for Peter.

"Yes" the boy nodded "I'm just tired."

"Tough night?" joked Tony.

The boy walked terribly stiffly, as if he was in pain.

"Sort of," sighed Peter putting his backpack down on the chair.

"How about cutting the work a little short today and playing with toys instead?"

Tony bought Peter a brand-new little toy car when he found out that Peter didn't have a single one of those. The boy was entranced, although at first he was ashamed to accept the expensive gift.

"Yes!" exclaimed an overjoyed Peter, and the smile returned to his face.

Tony congratulated himself inwardly and sat down together with Peter on the carpet that was the race track.


They played for another hour, until finally Tony decided to make Peter something to eat. The boy himself didn't say anything, but FRIDAY reminded him not to starve the child.

For that hour Peter's mood improved considerably and he was again a happy boy who was carried all over the lab.

Tony decided that he would leave Peter alone for a while, and maybe he would get tired, go to sleep, and then the kid would be 100% himself. It would have been a great plan if certain Avenger wouldn't be just heading their way...


Steve entered Tony's lab whistling. He heard loud ACDC music, so he knew the billionaire was here.

"Tony!" he called out from the doorstep.

No one answered him.

"FRIDAY, turn down the music please."

"Alright, Sir."

The music quieted, and Steve began to look around in search of the man.

"Tony! Are you here?"

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