Chapter 15

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"Peter, we need to talk about what happened yesterday," Tony said in a strict tone. He wanted the boy to take his words seriously.

At this moment Tony was leaning against the kitchen counter holding a cup of coffee in his hand when Peter entered the kitchen dressed in pajamas, rubbing his eyes in exhaustion. The boy whined quietly, knowing that he would probably receive a punishment.

"I didn't mean to," Peter's eyes welled up with tears. "I was sure it was you!"

Tony sighed and put down his coffee to hug Peter. The boy was just reaching his belly, so he picked him up, and Peter automatically wrapped his arms around his dad's neck. Tony rubbed the boy's back lightly as he said:

"You shouldn't have run away from Aunt Nat, and you certainly should have told someone where you were going. You put yourself in danger. However, I think you learned a lesson yesterday, didn't you?"

"Mhm," muttered the boy into the hollow of his father's neck.

Tony knew that it was mostly his fault for not being there when his boy needed him. Peter was still so young, naive and gullible, and it was Tony's job to protect him. And as usual, he screwed up. He couldn't even think what would have happened if the Avengers had gotten there too late. Would he never see his child again? Tony pushed those thoughts away, focusing on the fact that Peter was safe in his arms.

Tony set the boy back down on the tiled floor, which was cool underfoot.

"Can I trust you to be more careful in the future?" asked Tony looking down at the child.

Tears of shame shone in Peter's eyes and he nodded. He would not be fooled a second time. Not after this horrifying experience.

"I'm glad," Tony sighed contentedly. "Now we can move on to breakfast. What do you feel like eating?"


The next few weeks passed quickly. Tony and Peter got used to the daily routine, the Avengers helped Tony take care of Peter when he couldn't.

Tony announced to the world that he had adopted the boy. He only gave the age and name. Without any photo. Public opinion went wild. Rumors ranged from Tony's secret child to the fact that Peter was an agent who had taken over Tony's mind. Reporters tried at every turn to get a photo or interview, but Tony made sure they stayed away from his son.

In this way, they lived as if things had always been this way. It was as if Peter was Tony's biological son, and Tony had raised him from infancy. They were both happy and that was all that mattered.


Peter, all sweaty from the nightmare he had just woken up from, walked into his dad's room, whose door was slightly repealed for things like that.

"Daddy, I had a nightmare," whispered Peter walking up to Tony's bed and waking him up.

The man turned on the bedside lamp. And looked at his child quickly blinking to wipe the sleep from his eyelids.

"Again about aunt May?" Peter nodded, at which Tony mused. "Hm, and do you know what helps me with nightmares?"

Peter shook his head.

"What is it?"

"Come with me, you'll find out. Just dress warmly," Tony winked at the boy while standing up and shaking his hand. They both threw on their hooded sweatshirts, put on boots, hats, Tony additionally took blankets, then headed for the elevator.

"Where are we going?" asked an excited Peter still holding his father's hand.

"You'll see," Tony smiled mysteriously, and you could see the love for the boy in his eyes. His boy.

Fifteen seconds later they were already...

"On the roof?" A surprised Peter looked uncertainly at Tony.

"Yes, let's get closer to the edge, but not too close."

They sat down 3 meters from the edge of the roof on a soft blanket. The night was pleasant, a light wind was blowing, and the moon was shining enough for them to see each other. Tony lay down on his back, and Peter did the same following his example.

Tony put his outstretched left arm under the boy's head to form a pillow for his son. Peter snuggled into the man's chest, and Tony covered them with a blanket. They both watched the beautiful white stars in the darkness.

"Do you see Petey that shape? There, on the right! It's a big bear."

"Yeah, I see it!" exclaimed the exultant Peter. "It's so pretty!"

The stars against the dark blue sky looked magical. Both of them could not look away from them. They lay like that in silence for maybe 2 hours, until Peter spoke up:


"Hm, what baby?"

"I love you."

Tony smiled broadly, and a tear of emotion welled up in his eye. His boy was so adorable.

"I love you too my son. You are the best thing that ever happened to me."

Tony meant what he said. For his son, he would give up all of Iron Man's armor, all of his multi-billion dollar fortune, and sacrifice his life. There was nothing in the world he wouldn't do for him.

Tony hugged Peter tighter. They lay in each other's embrace for several more hours.

They had their whole lives to spend together. And nothing could prevent them from doing so.

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