Chapter 11

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"Peter. It's very important, that's why you have to tell the truth," Pepper said in a calm voice, leaning over the boy.

Currently, the three of them together with Tony were in the living room of the Penthouse. Peter sat on the couch while both adults leaned over him. When Tony discovered bruises on the boy's back he immediately took Peter upstairs to talk. He also called Pepper, who immediately arrived. They decided to approach it calmly so as not to frighten the child. They just needed confirmation from Peter to accuse May of child abuse.

Tony sat down next to the boy and put a reassuring hand on Peter's back, but didn't touch it too hard because the boy was bruised. He asked FRIDAY beforehand if immediate medical attention was needed or if it could wait. The AI replied that it was not that urgent, so they would only get down to it after the conversation.

When it was clear that the boy didn't want to say anything, Tony left for a while and returned with Peter's blanket and teddy bear. He handed the boy the teddy bear, which he gratefully accepted by cuddling into it. The adults exchanged glances. They both knew it wouldn't be easy. Tony covered Peter with a soft blanket and returned to his previous position cuddling him from the side.

When Peter was taken care of they could get to the point.

"Sweetie" Pepper began again, "this is the only way we can help you. I promise that you will be safe. You won't go back to May, we just need to be sure what happened. Do you think you are able to tell us?"

Peter nodded harder hugging his teddy bear and at the same time snuggling into Tony's chest.

"Aunt... she did some terrible things," began Peter in a low voice.

"Yes?" encouraged in a soft voice Tony, although internally he was boiling. He felt like strangling with his bare hands anyone who would ever hurt his child. Yes, his child. Tony, at this stage, was not afraid to admit that he recognized the boy as his son. "What was she doing?"

"She was hitting me and screaming."

"And did this happen often?" Pepper retrospectively took the initiative.


"Is that why you did not want to go home?"

"For me, the home is here" Peter began to cry and hugged Tony sitting down with his arms around the man's knees.

"Oh, baby" Tony's heart broke. Peter was such an innocent little creature. If Tony could, he would hide the boy from the whole world.

"That's enough for me Tony, I'm calling the police" Pepper straightened up and walked away pulling a phone from her pocket.

Meanwhile, Tony had the boy scanned FRIDAY and pulled out a previously prepared first aid kit.

"Report, FRIDAY," Tony ordered.

"Reported injuries: bruised back, bruised kidney, bruised buttocks, back of thighs and left thigh injury."

"Write up the report and send a copy to the lawyers associated with the case."

"Yes, Sir."

"Okay buddy" Tony turned to the boy. The injuries were more numerous and serious than he expected, so he decided to go for professional help. "Now I will carry you to the hospital wing so that a doctor can examine you. I'll be by your side the whole time, so don't worry, everything will be fine," at this point Tony was comforting himself more than the child.

Peter nodded and reached out his arms to cling to the man's neck. Tony gently lifted the boy, being careful not to hurt him, adjusted the blanket and teddy bear, then headed for the elevator.

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