Chapter 6

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A day later, when Peter came home from school he immediately noticed that something was wrong.

The house was suspiciously quiet and Aunt May didn't open the door for him when he knocked. Fortunately, he had the keys.

"Aunt May, are you home?" called out Peter from the doorstep.

"Where have you been? I thought you were in bed," May looked at him with bloodshot eyes, and held a beer in her hand.

Tears came to Peter's eyes at this sight. Mr. Stark never drank with him, and his aunt always brawled after alcohol.

"I have internship, remember auntie?"

"Ah yes, that whole internship thing of yours."

After a moment of silence, Peter spoke up:

"Aren't you going to ask how my day went?"

"Eh, I'm sure it went well. You are a child, what could be wrong with your life?"

Peter felt like answering, "you," but refrained in time. He knew that he would be punished for it.

"Never mind, get off already. And that I won't see you here again today."

When Peter was about to leave for his room and cry into his pillow May stopped him and said:

"Tomorrow is Friday, but I have to stay at work overnight. Can you manage on your own?"

"I'm afraid to stay alone," howled Peter mournfully.

"Don't be a baby, you can handle it."

"And can't I stay at Mr. Stark's? I'll be there on Saturday anyway."

"Mr. Stark must be tired of your presence. Don't be pushy, give him a break from you."

"Fine" deep down Peter was pained by the fact that he was imposing on Mr. Stark. He thought the man liked him, but as it turns out it was different.

Peter dragged himself to his room, grabbed his Iron Man pajamas and went to wash up.

He had to wash his hair today, so he needed May's help, which was a problem because he really didn't feel like dealing with her. After a while, he overcame his fear and called out to May.

As you can guess May was not thrilled. She entered the bathroom staggering and looked at the boy with pity.

"Can't even wash your hair? What will become of you? Will you always be such a cripple?"

At these words Peter began to cry. He was so tired after today and just wanted someone to comfort him and let him sleep.

"Don't sob anymore, because in a moment I will give you a real reason to cry."

It only made the sobbing worse.

"I SAID ENOUGH!" May shouted and approached Peter in the bathtub.

Peter automatically backed away. At that moment he was so afraid of aunt May. As it turned out later: rightly so.

May grabbed Peter by the hair and pulled him back.

"Ow!" Peter screamed through his tears.

Aunt May held him so tightly that he felt her pull out some of his hair.

"I'll wash your hair, but just so you know, this is the last time. Grow up!" After these words, May pushed Peter forward until he dipped his head under the water.

For a while he drowned, but soon May pulled him out.

"There. Washed. What is being said?"

Peter, through crying, couldn't put a sentence together.

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