Chapter 7

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"Mh" muttered a sleepy Peter.

"Shh, this will only take a moment," said Tony unbuckling Peter from his car seat and taking the boy in his arms.

Tony quickly closed the car and went to Peter's apartment to take everything the boy might need for a night in the tower. He had taken the keys out of Peter's backpack earlier, so he entered the apartment without a problem.

He closed the door behind him with his foot and looked around the apartment. It was somewhat cluttered, but hardly surprising considering that a child lives here.

"Hey, Pete, can you wake up for me for five minutes?" the man lightly massaged the boy's back.

"No, I'm still asleep," howled Peter.

Tony giggled slightly and began to gently toss Peter up and down, which after half a minute caused the boy to open his eyes.

"Tell me Pete what clothes you want to take and where you have them," asked Tomy entering Peter's room still with the child in his arms.

"In the dresser, bottom shelf."

"Sure. Here you have T-shirts," Tony looked inside. "Two are enough for you for tomorrow?"

Peter nodded in confirmation, so Tony grabbed the third one as well. Sorry very much, Peter got dirty suspiciously easily, and Tony had no other clothes to change for the boy.

"Now the pants."

"The penultimate drawer."

"Okay, which ones do you want?"

And so they packed the whole bag together. Tony turned off the light, left the apartment and closed the door behind them.


Tony knew he shouldn't take the kid to the tower without asking. But what else was he supposed to do! May had left the little boy alone all night and morning!

As soon as he left, Tony made sure Peter was asleep in his car seat before telling FRIDAY to call May Parker.

By now Tony was so angry with the woman that he could barely concentrate on driving. May answered only the second time.

"Hello?" She said in a tired, rough voice.

"This is Tony Stark speaking."

"Oh, Mr. Stark," May revived. "Is Peter all right?"

Tony felt he had to bite his tongue to avoid saying something he would regret. He would have a moment of satisfaction, but then May would take Peter away from him, and that was the last thing he wanted.

"Actually, it's not right. I found out that Peter stays home alone for more than 12 hours. This is unacceptable, considering Peter's age."

"Peter is very mature for his age, Mr. Stark" she said. "I assure you that this would not be a problem for him."

"I'm sure it is otherwise. Anyway, I'm taking Peter to the tower. Do you have anything against it?"

"I don't want to impose," gasped May.

"Nonsense, I'll drop him off tomorrow at 7:30 pm and you'd better be home" Yes, Tony just threatened her.

May wanted to yell at Stark, because what the hell was he thinking deciding about Peter as his son! She was the one who had custody of the boy!

"All right, I agree, you can take him," she said after a moment's thought.

May knew that if she wanted part of the billionaire's cash, she had to make concessions sometimes. But Peter will answer for all the fuss! What an ungrateful brat...

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