Chapter 10

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Peter looked forward to Monday after school with impatience. In fact, it was the only thing that kept his spirits up. In class, all he thought about was what he was going to do with Tony in the lab.

The last time Peter was in the lab, Tony showed him a chemistry experiment in which phenolphthalein dyed raspberry in alkaline.

Despite the simple experiment, the boy was delighted, and Tony enjoyed the child's laughter. If Peter had been a normal trainee Tony would have gone straight to the specifics, but frankly for now he was afraid to show the 8-year-old boy experiments with acids, explosives or flammable substances.

Tony made the boy wear protective goggles, gloves and a coat for safety anyway when they worked on chemicals. Just in case. Well, okay, maybe also because the boy looked adorable in such an outfit.

At the sight of Happy's car, Peter started hopping on his toes excitedly, then let himself run across the parking lot to the black Audi.

The boy opened the door, jumped into the back seat, closed the door behind him, dropped his backpack and raised his eyes. To his surprise, behind the sterring wheel was not Happy, but it was...

"Tony!" shouted the delighted boy squeezing between the seats and hugging Tony from behind.

"Hey kiddie" laughed Tony and pulled Peter forward so as to pull him into his lap. Peter giggled.

"What are you doing here? Did Mr. Happy get sick?" Said Peter and snuggled into Tony. Not that the boy wasn't happy. He was just surprised.

"No, I thought, I'll pick you up today."

Peter smiled happily.

"Does that mean I can ride in the front?" Peter asked hopefully.

"Nice try, kid, but I'm afraid regulations are regulations. How about stopping at an ice cream shop on the way instead?"

"Yes!" exclaimed an exultant Peter.

Tony began to feel the boy's joy, so he turned on the radio, put Peter in the back and set off in the direction of the ice cream shop.

"How was school, Pete?" Tony asked while glancing at the kid with his mirror.

"Fine, the Spanish teacher complimented me on my good accent, and the math teacher said I had potential. Whatever that means.

"Congrats buddy, my pride is bursting."

Peter beamed at these words and joyfully started waving his legs. Tony smiled feeling love for the boy. He didn't know why, but he loved this kid more than anyone else, even though he had known him only a short time.


"It will always remain a mystery to me how you manage to get all dirty from top to bottom," laughed Tony as Peter ate his ice cream and they rode the elevator to the lab.

Peter shrugged his shoulders, but smiled.

"I guess it can be considered a talent," Peter said innocently, which caused Tony to laugh.

The elevator doors opened and Tony put his hand on Peter's shoulder leading him out of the elevator.

They approached the lab table. Tony pushed back a chair so Peter could sit down, then sat down next to him himself.

"So what, let's get to work. I'm not paying your aunt to just you sleeping here," joked Tony, but Peter shuddered at the mention of his aunt. After a moment, seeing that Tony was joking, the boy reciprocated the smile.

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