Chapter 8

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It was this day that became the turning point. As soon as Peter fell asleep Tony went to his lab and changed the FRIDAY coding.

From then on, Peter was the priority. If FRIDAY had the opportunity to save only one person he would always choose the boy.

Tony didn't realize until now how much he needed a kid in his life. Now that Peter was safely asleep in the Penthouse Tony was able to head to the Avengers communal floor.

As soon as he got off the elevator, he immediately noticed that the din had quieted. Standing in the living room were Bruce, Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Rhody, Clint well and, classically, Nat and Steve.

"Stark! Tony!" voices could be heard.

"Yes, yes. I finally graced you with my presence. Don't thank me, don't thank me."

Several people snorted.

"Where have you been?" Wanda asked.

"I'm a busy man. I don't have all day for you."

"You have certain responsibilities as Iron Man, Tony."

"What do you have in mind? What is it that has happened?"

"It's about our next mission. This time we are going to Canada to destroy another HYDRA base. Everyone counts, so it's mandatory that you go."

"When, Rogers?"

"We leave in 20 minutes to be back home in the morning."

Tony didn't like that. He had a kid upstairs to take care of. He couldn't disappear for the whole night leaving the boy alone. He wasn't May.

"I'm out, I have other priorities."

This mission could have been on any other day, but it just happened to have to take place today. Typical Tony luck.

"I know Tony, it's not the best time, but..."

At that moment FRIDAY spoke up.

"Boss, young Peter is awake and seems to need you, Sir."

"Tell him FRIDAY that I'm coming," Tony sighed then headed for the elevator.

When Tony stepped out of the elevator he immediately heard the boy crying, and a moment later saw the kid himself. His hair was sticking up in all directions, his face was all red, weeping and in grease.

"What's wrong buddy?" asked Tony in a soft voice, taking the child in his arms.

"I had a nightmare," wept Peter rubbing his eyes with a small fist.

Tony held the kid with one hand, while massaging his back with the other for reassurance. For a moment, Peter groaned in despair, to which Tony said:

"Shh, I know, I know Petey. Do you want to tell me what your nightmare was about?"

Peter shook his head as a denial.

"That's the only way I can help you," Tony cooed.

"Everyone died, and when I w-woke up, y-you were gone!

"I'm sorry buddy, but it's okay now, you're safe. Nothing happened to anyone. Do you want me to call my aunt to hear from her that she is safe?"

"NO!" Peter cried out even harder.

He didn't tell Tony, but his aunt was the source of his problems.

"Okay, it's okay now. How about I make you some warm milk and we'll sit with some movie?"

At these words Peter began to calm down, and Tony tossed the boy up a few times. Tony sat Peter on the couch, told FRIDAY to turn on some cheesy cartoon, and warmed the milk himself on the stove.

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