Chapter 13

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"Put this on Peter."

"But I don't want to!"

Tony sighed. For 2 minutes he had been trying to persuade the boy to put on a bracelet specially constructed by Tony. It contained a tracker and a button so he could call Tony at any time. In addition, it monitored vitals and contained FRIDAY for safety.

"You know very well that your aunt escaped from prison. We've already talked about it..."

"This is uncomfortable!"

"You haven't even tried it yet! Besides, that's the only way I'll know you're safe. Do you want me to worry?" Tony knew it was a manipulation, but he ran out of ideas on how to persuade the boy.

Apparently it worked, because Peter furrowed his eyebrows in thought, and finally agreed.

"Thank you," said Tony hugging the boy. He would never have thought that he would thank someone for something so trivial, but life likes to surprise. "What do you think? Do you like it?"

"Yes, it's fine" Peter moved his left wrist a little, the bracelet did not fall off or put pressure, so Tony did a good job.

"So what? Why don't we go down to the Avengers floor? The team misses you, and last time you spent how much with them? 1.5 hours?

Peter nodded his head.

"Yeah, I want to go" Peter jumped up several times in place, then ran to the elevator.

"Slow down" laughed Tony at the boy's antics. Tony didn't know where he had so much energy in him.

The elevator doors opened, so they went inside.

"Listen Petey, there is something else. You don't have a phone, do you?"

"No, Aunt May always said I would get one for my Communion."

"Well. That's what I thought," said the man, pulling out the latest Starkphone from his leather jacket pocket. "I'll give it to you, but know that it has a parental control on it, so no 18+ sites, we understand?" Tony raised his eyebrows.

Peter giggled at Tony's facial expressions.

"Yeah Tony."

"Okay, you have a daily limit of 2 hours set, so don't overdo it and get addicted," Peter laughed again. "You already have my number and all the Avengers' number entered, as well as Happy's and Pepper's. If there's anything that would bother you, that you need us or anything, call us."

"This is so cool!" Peter reached out for the phone. When he had it in his hands he started pressing on the icons of various apps to test them. The elevator doors opened on the Avengers floor, so Peter put his new phone in pocket in his pants.

"Petey!" shouted Clint at the sight of him. "How nice to see you, you too Tony."

Tony waved his hand, ruffled the boy's hair, then went to the kitchen to brew coffee.

"Hey," called out Peter hugging each Avenger.

"Peter, would you like to take a walk with us in the park" suggested Steve.

"Umm, sure. And can we get ice cream?" asked Peter hopefully.

"Sure, as long as Tony doesn't mind."

"Hm, yeah, sure." Tony was already pulling 3 hundred dollar bills out of his wallet and handed them to Steve, who accepted gratefully. "Take me a vanilla one."

"Aren't you coming with us?" asked Peter putting his arms around Tony's belly.

Tony looked down.

"I'm sorry Petey, I have some things to do. "Tony stroked the boy's back in comfort. "But when you come back we'll spend the rest of the day just the two of us. How does that sound?"

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