Chapter 9

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"Who has finally graced me with his presence?" Asked an exasperated May, the moment Peter entered the apartment.

Peter swallowed his saliva in fear. At least it wasn't that bad, since May was sober, so she would probably insult him this time mostly verbally rather than physically.

"I'm sorry, auntie, I didn't mean to misbehave, I was just really scared, and Tony suggested...

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING GOING WITH HIM WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!" May finally exploded. "I told you to stay home, and suddenly I get a phone call from damn Tony Stark "informing" me that you're not coming home!"

"I'm sorry..." Peter began to cry out of fear of his aunt's fury.

"That whole Stark is going to pay someday... You could have done more Peter! You could have refused to go with him! Because of you I came home yesterday tired after work, and there was no dinner waiting for me! Why do you think I keep you here, you useless...

Suddenly a knock sounded at the door. May looked suspiciously at Peter, as if it was his fault, and whispered to him that he should be quiet and wipe those fake tears.

May opened the door uncertainly, and there stood Tony Stark. Of course, who else could it be?

"Good evening May," Tony said in a rough voice.

He was still angry with May for her thoughtlessness in leaving Peter alone. And it's scary to think how the boy would have coped on his own with the nightmare he had during the night. And all the reinforcements? Who would help Peter wash up? Tony inwardly shuddered at these thoughts.

"Hello, Tony." May said in a surprised, slightly too coy voice. "What brings you here?"

"This" Tony pulled from behind his back a teddy bear he had recently bought Peter as a gift. It was a small brown teddy bear mascot with a blue shirt on it. "Peter must have left it in the car. Can I come in?"

May wanted to reply that this was not the best time, but she was interrupted by Peter, who threw himself into Tony's arms and wept loudly into his neck. Tony surprisingly picked Peter up and began whispering reassuring words in his ear.

"Take it easy kid. What happened? Did you miss your teddy bear? Is that why you are crying?"

"N-no! I missed you!" Peter wept even louder.

Tony's heart had just exploded from the rush of so many feelings. Now the man only knew that on his own he would not be able to let go of his little boy.

"Let's go to your room, I'll put you to bed, okay? You must be tired." Tony said from his current position in the stairwell hallway.

This statement was actually a question directed at May. Tony was asking for permission. All his life Tony has taken what he wanted, and now it turns out that on the one thing he cares most about he has to ask permission.

"Alright" May said, letting Tony pass inside, though she did so reluctantly.

In May's mind, Tony was now a brazen rich man. He was literally wearing a blazer now, although he didn't dress in any particularly elegant way. But on the other hand, she'd have a brat taken care without lifting a finger.

Tony entered the apartment with the child in his arms only sending May a forced smile, and otherwise not looking back. He immediately walked through the living room and from the hallway entered Peter's room closing the door behind them.

As the door closed Peter began to sob as hard as he could, while trying not to be too loud so May wouldn't hear him.

"Shh, it's all right buddy. We are the only ones here. You are safe" oh, how far from the truth that was." See, the teddy bear missed you. That's what he told me.

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