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MOVING DAY, EXITING, RIGHT? Any normal person would say no, but for someone like Daria it was the best. She liked moving because, even with all the heavy lifting of boxes, the girl got bored and tired quickly of staying in one place and her father was the same, so the four years of living together were filled with moving, a lot.

This time, they were going to LA, nothing special, if it wasn't for her mother. Daria has been living with her dad alone for four years, and a couple days later she will be seeing her mom, face to face, for the first time in years, and the teenage girl couldn't wait.

She was putting her last things in her suitcase, music blasting in her ears from the ipod she had in her pocket. Her father knocked and when she didn't reply, he pushed the door open and leaned on the frame. He waited for his daughter to realize his presence and when she didn't he spoke up.

"Hey," he waved, slightly scaring the girl in the meantime "are you finished yet? We need to go before we lose our flight."

"Yeah I-I just need to put in my last clothes." she glanced at him before going back to her task. "Give me five minutes."

"Yeah, sure. When you're done I'll be checking if we haven't left anything behind." he spoke, rolling his eyes and getting off the doorframe.

「 ✦ Daria & Michele Bonetti ✦ 」

"We're moving!!!" Daria exclaimed happily, swinging her legs at a fast pace "I'm so excited. I can't wait to see Nuel, and my mom and her new husband and his family!!!" she continued rambling while her father looked at her with a fond smile adorning his face. "My mom told me he has a big family, and they're rather close, so I'm happy to meet them!!"

"I'm happy you're excited, sweetheart" spoke her father, caressing her head caringly.

「 ✦ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ✦ 」

The car ride to the airport was normal, filled with music and gossiping about the series they've been watching together. The wait at the airport was boring, Daria felt like jumping out of a window. The trip on the plane was calm and relaxing, Daria spent all of it listening to music and sleeping.

Finally they got to their new house. It was big enough to attract attention but it was perfect for the father-daughter duo.

They were planning to settle here for a long time, so Daria was enrolled in public school and Michele was searching for a job at the local hospitals and clinics.

The two were getting comfortable at their new house, waiting for their things to arrive with the moving crew, when they heard their doorbell ring. "I'll get it." Daria got up from her seat on the ground, followed by her father, and went to open the door, not expecting what was on the other side of it.

"Hello?" She asked the weirdly dressed old man that was in front of her.

"Hi, you must be the new neighbors. I'm Jay, I live in that house over there" The man glanced behind her, probably looking at her dad.

"Nice to meet you, Jay. I'm Michele, and this is my daughter Daria" Her father spoke up from behind her, putting a hand on her shoulder. Soon enough a woman came up from behind Jay, and seeing her the father-daughter duo was pleasantly surprised.

"Mamà!" Exclaimed Daria happily once the woman was near enough, running in her arms for the first time in years. Feeling the soft embrace of her mother brought tears to her eyes.

"Mi niña. Te extrañé mucho mija." Gloria sobbed, squeezing her daughter tightly. Jay and Michele, were left at the door watching the touching sight. (My little girl. I missed you so much my daughter.)

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