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"DAD, CAN YOU COME OUTSIDE? I WANT TO SHOW YOU A TRICK I JUST LEARNED" Daria skated in the kitchen, stopping to wait for an answer from her father, who was preparing breakfast for both of them.

"Yeah sure sweetie, let me just-" The man shut off the fire and turned to his daughter "Okay, lead the way, baby"

"I just learned this, look." The teen skated around the driveway, for a little while, and then she got ready to show the trick, but while taking a running start, her roller skates stopped suddenly and she went flying to the ground. Her father gasped and ran to her aid.

"What happened?" asked Michele once he helped her up, he looked her over for injuries.

"I don't know" Daria moved to the steps of the house and heard something cracking, then she sat on the steps and looked at her skates and noticed the broken wheels. "My wheels broke!" Daria stood up with the help of her father and waddled in the house.


Inside the house Daria was sitting on the couch, taking off her skates, while her father moved to go to the toilet to get the alcohol to disinfect his daughter's scratches. Suddenly the kitchen's fire alarm started, making Daria, who was the nearest, hurried to the kitchen, even if she still had one skate on. The pancakes her dad was making burned, the coffee erupted from the pot and the handle of the pot melted.

"Dad! Dad, it's a disaster here!" the girl yelled for her dad. She got out of the kitchen as soon as possible. Her dad took her place and saved the situation.

In the end, her father didn't shut off the fire like he thought he did, instead he turned it down. The father sat down on the couch next to his daughter and heaved a sigh, sharing a look with his little girl.

「 ✦ Daria & Michele Bonetti ✦ 」

"One unfortunate event is a coincidence." Daria put up one finger, Michele nodded along "Two unlucky events, on the same day, one after the other." the camera zoomed on her face. "Something is going to happen today, and I don't think it'll be good."

"Last time something like this happened...our dog died." Michele remembered.

"Poor Chi-chi" Daria frowned. "You will be remembered."

「 ✦ ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗ ✦ 」

After cleaning the mess that happened in the kitchen, preparing breakfast again and eating it, Daria and Michele were in line in a sports store, to get the wheels of the roller skates fixed. When it was their turn they gave the roller skates and because they didn't have the wheel of the right size, they had to leave the skates there.

Daria then went to her mother's house to check on Manny. It was his first slumber party and knowing the personality of her baby brother she was worried something would happen to him.

"Hey! Is Nuel here yet?!" Daria entered the house yelling. She began getting comfortable living surrounded by this family. She felt comfortable enough to stay in a room alone with Jay and hold a conversation with Claire.

When no one replied to her she entered the house more, going to the pool, seeing Jay in the hot tub. "Hey old man!" she waved at him getting near "Where are my mom and my brother?" she asked, scrunching her face from the sun, putting a hand on her forehead.

"Out dealing with a Manny situation" Jay replied to the teen, looking up at her through his sunglasses.

"Manny situation? What happened?" Daria moved to sit in the border of the hot tub. "Did something happen at the slumber party?"

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