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ANOTHER SCHOOL DAY, DARIA WAS DYING. As she was preparing coffee for her dad and tea for herself, her phone rang. "Hello?" she answered.

"Hey, just so you know I'm coming in front of your house, are you ready yet?" asked Lisa on the other side of the phone.

"Yeah, I'm-I'm just going to have breakfast and I'll be out, when you get here ring me, so I don't let you stay out too much." She answered as she shut the fire on the stove, this time checking and rechecking more times.

"Good morning" her father's raspy voice sounded from the stairs.

"Ciao pa'. Il tuo caffè è nella moka sul tavolo e i biscotti sono...bho...penso, tipo nel terzo cassetto di là" the girl rushed before stopping near her dad to kiss his cheek. "Adesso vado, cia-cia-cia-ciao" she took the thermos where she previously put her tea. "Comunque prendo la macchina!" she added before getting out of the house. (Hey dad. Your coffee is in the moka pot on the table and the cookies are on the...i don't know...I think, like, in the third drawer there. I'm going now, bye-bye. I'm taking the car, by the way!)

"Have a good day sweetie!" he called out after her.

Lisa was waiting for her friend, leaning on the wall, her earphones in her ears listening to who knows what.

"Hey!" Daria exclaimed, bringing her friend out of her train of thoughts. "How are you doing?" she asked as she opened the car. The two got in, putting on the seat belt. Daria turned the car on, getting out of her front yard.

"I'm good, I'm fine, how are you?" Lisa asked, the conversation continuing until they got to the school parking lot. The two girls got out of the car walking together to a group of people Daria has been friends with recently.

"Hey!" One of the girls called out after seeing them, the girls greeting them too. "How are you, my love?" Olivia asked Lisa, the two continuously jokingly flirting with each other.


The day was going fine, Lisa, Daria and all their friends had different classes, so during the day the friends couldn't see each other, but during lunch a table was filled with them and their friends. Olivia brought her friends, Julie, Alex and Lisa did the same. Daria didn't know a lot of people, so she was always happy to make new friends.

After lunch all the friends separated to go their separate ways. Daria had gym class, something that she wasn't so keen on doing. Taking her backpack she went to her locker to grab her change of clothes, before going to the gym's locker room.


Daria drove Lisa and Julie, who asked for a lift at the last minute, to their respective houses, only after grabbing a drink together and talking shit about the teachers, before shutting the car off in her own front yard. Quickly she grabbed her frappè and went to her mother's house.

"Hey, mamà! Hey Jay, hey Nuel!" She greeted hugging her mother, and sitting on the couch next to Manny who had a disheartened expression on his face. "Hey what happened to you?" she asked turning her head away from the TV

"He and Luke had a fight in school," Gloria revealed. "And you know what Claire thinks? Huh? That Manny is the different one!" she exclaimed, not leaving any room for her daughter to answer.

"I always felt like she didn't like you. I think she doesn't like me either" Daria began "You have that barbeque tonight right? You should confront her" Gloria turned to look at her husband pointing to her daughter with her eyes, hinting at something that Daria couldn't quite catch. Some time after the doorbell rang, Jay opened the door up, while Manny and Daria got off the couch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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