Chapter 3

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Hot shot was in Cook children's hospital. He had been there for a few days. Hot shot was originally brought there because he had a headache and other symptoms that were not going away. He was admitted to Cook Children's hospital after being brought to the ER and not being well. Then the next day a scan revealed something terrible. Hot shot has a brain tumor. Hot shot then had a biopsy. Which revealed a few days later that Hot shot has Medulloblastoma a type of brain cancer. Hot shot has been in the hospital the whole time and was now going to have to stay a bit longer. Hot shot was going to have to stay for at least 4 weeks in other words a month according to Dr. Zhao. They wanted to keep an eye on him. Hot shot was very scared and nervous about starting treatment. These four weeks were going to be full of tests and recovery to help him be ready for the start of his treatment. 

Hot shot having just learning he had cancer, was told he had to fight it. He was told that cancer is like a fire and it needed to be fought. Hot shot was wondering how he was going to fight his cancer fire. 

Hot shot was trying his best to go sleep. But at the moment due to all that has happen as of late it was kind of difficult. Hot shot was wondering a lot of things. Hot shot was wondering if he was going to be alright and such. It was now the start of June and he was going to have to probably spend the whole month in the hospital. Hot shot was kind of scared and nervous about it. He was also wondering if the cancer was his fault.

Hot shot had spent only 8 days in the hospital. Hot shot had been there over a week. The first part was being taken to the hospital and being admitted. Then the next day getting his MRI done and finding out about the tumor. The day after that was for surgery. The next few days after that was therapy and learning about having cancer and learning about treatments plans too. Hot shot was going to have to stay there even longer. Hot shot was not used to this. He was wanting to be home. But he was going to have to stay in the hospital for a while. Hot shot wasn't really looking forward to it at all. 

Hot shot was holding on to Roxy the rhino as he was having his uneasy sleep. Hot shot was still kind of scared of what he was told. He was worried about many thing. Then Hot shot woke up. "Ow," Hot shot said rubbing his head. "It hurts," he said.

"Your head sore?" Quickshadow asked.

"Yes," Hot shot said.

Then a nurse came into check on Hot shot. "Hot shot how are doing?" the nurse asked as she checked Hot shot over. 

"My head hurts," Hot shot said.

"Would you like some pain killers?" the nurse asked.

"Yes," Hot shot said.

The nurse came in a with some medicine and gave it to Hot shot. "There that should help," the nurse said.

"Thank you," Hot shot said taking the medicine. 

Then Hot shot went back to sleep. Hot shot was still having a bit of a restless night. 

Heatwave and Quickshadow had already told the family about Hot shot's diagnosis. They even told family friends too. They were all in shock about this but willing to help. They were going to be there for them through it all. Quickshadow had also gotten in contact with the pediatric brain tumor foundation. She gave them Hot shot's diagnosis and that he was newly diagnosed and was getting treated at Cook Children's hospital. Quickshadow put down needing the information booklet and to get into contact with someone from the organization. 

Hot shot was still having his uneasy sleep. His mother was there by his side and also having her own uneasy sleep as well.

Then the morning came, the sun came up and the light came through the clouds. The sun's shining rays of light came through the windows of the hospital. 

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