Rules and music|| 004

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January 14, 1985
Hawkins, Indiana
The Byers home

Joyce slowly poured the pancake batter into the buttered pan. As she waited for the side to be cooked, Will walked out. He was silent. "Hey, sweetheart. You want pancakes for breakfast?" She asked. Will nodded slightly. Will watched for a second before walking around the house. He stumbled across the lounge room and saw a tv. Something he'd never seen before. It was turned on but it was silent. Will tilted his head to the side for a second causing the volume to go up. Each tilt of his head changed the channel.

Joyce walked into the room and gently placed the pancakes down with a fork on the coffee table. She knew she'd have to call Jim so she walked to the landline, glancing at Will then started dialling the numbers. Will saw Joyce speak on the phone. His curiosity at its peak. After a couple minutes, she placed the phone down and sat next to Will who was shoving his face with the perfectly cooked fluffy pancakes. "Good." He managed to mumble, specks of chewed up pancake flew out of his mouth. Joyce smiled softly and ruffled his hair gently.

Will continued flicking through channels as Joyce paced around the house nervously. Joyce suddenly heard a certain pattern of knocks and she knew it was him. She rushed to the door and let him inside. Joyce grabbed his arm and dragged his arm to the lounge room where Will was happily watching tv. "So.. this boy has powers like el?" He asked, giving her a side glance while still facing towards Will. "Yea. He escaped from the lab or something. I just don't know what to do." She said, worry filling her voice. "First, we're gonna have to talk about rules." Hopper said and Joyce nodded, telling him to just say it.

"Rule number 1: Under no circumstances must he go out. At least now since he's most likely being looked for. The boy will get caught out there and taken back to the lab." He said. Joyce nodded vigorously, noting each rule in mind.

"Rule number 2: Like the first one, no one comes in. He might want to have people come over or vice versa,  but they could lead danger. No one comes in, no one goes out." He said.

"Finally, rule number 3: Teach him speech and reading. He'll need to learn how to speak and read if he wants to go out. If you want him to go to school, you must teach him until he's ready. Got it all?"

"Yea, I think so.." She said. Will walked in, his expression soft until he saw Hopper. "Who..?" He asked, his voice barely heard. Joyce kneeled down to talk to him. "This is Jim Hopper. The chief police. He'll help us." Joyce said softly. Will looked at him and smiled softly before he walked through the dimly lit hallway. As he walked passed his brothers room, he heard muffled music. The closer he approached, the louder it got. He gently knocked on the door and opened it. "Oh, hey Will!" He said while turning off the music. Will walked towards the source of music. "That's a vinyl player. It plays music." Jonathan said. "Music?" Will asked. "Yea. Do you wanna hear a song I've been listening to?" Jonathan asked, already grabbing the vinyl. Will nodded softly.

He carefully placed the vinyl in and started the song.

Should I stay or should I go – The clash

Will smiled softly as he heard the music.

While Will and Jonathan were having a good time, Joyce was worrying while Hopper comforted her. They sat on the couch, the tv turned on silent but a show still plays. She grabs the remote and turns it off. "What if they take Will?" Her voice filled with worry and distress. "They couldn't take el, they won't take Will." He placed a hand on her shoulder, a reassuring smile plastered on his face. She smiled softly.

At least Jim hopper could comfort her.
Unlike Lonnie.

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