Nightmares|| 005

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April 6, 1985
Hawkins, Indiana
The Byers home

Will woke up in on a cold and comfortable bed. The labs bed. He walked out of his room and immediately saw Dr. Brenner. How did he get back? He lifted his hand up and closed his hand into a fist, expecting something to happen. But nothing did. He tried again but got the same outcome. He felt panicked, he couldn't run, scream, talk, or even move. He was stuck in front of the man who ruined his life. Two men suddenly dragged Will to the small metal closet looking room. A cage. Wills cage. They slammed the door shut immediately after throwing Will inside. He slammed his fists in desperation, hoping someway he'd escape. He screamed and cried. "Papa!"

Wills eyes shot open. He sat up gasping. Those nightmares were never gonna stop haunting him. He covered his mouth and sobbed quietly. He hid under his blankets until he fell asleep. He tossed and turned the whole night.

Will had recurring nightmares of the lab. The thoughts would never leave him. This happened for weeks now, non stop. Joyce did her best to comfort him but it still affected him deeply.

The sensory deprivation tank

The rainbow room

The training

The cage

All these memories would come back throughout the night, keeping him awake.

He walked to the lounge room one evening, the tv static. He grabbed a cloth from the coffee table and tied it around his eyes. The static noises helped with this. He appeared in the void a few seconds later. It was dark, cold and empty. He saw a lounge with Mike sitting on it. He looked distressed. The raven haired boy got up and began pacing around the room. He heard Mike mumble words.
"Where is he?"
"Joyce isn't answering my calls."
"Is he dead?"
"Did the lab take him?"
"I can't lose my friend."
He stopped pacing and stared at the landline. Mike had already called Joyce about a million times but she hadn't picked up. After a couple minutes of decision making, he walked towards the landline, dialling the Byers number in.
"Mike.?" Will said, his quiet voice echoed through the void. Mike turned back confused. A few moments of looking, he turns back to the buttons on the landline.

He sighed when he heard the voicemail. "Mike?" Will said louder. Mike turned back. "Mike?!" Will yelled while running up to Mike. He tried to touch Mike to let him know he's there but he immediately turned into smoke. "MIKE?!" Will screamed. Alone in the void, alone again. Will was about to sob. He ripped the blindfold off his face and tilted his head angrily, turning off the tv. Joyce walked out. She could barely keep her eyes open. "What are you doing, dear?" She asked softly. She had a soft and caring voice was because she wanted to do a soft approach for her son and because she was just exhausted. "When can I see Mike?" He asked, his tone slightly demanding. Joyce sat on the couch next to him. She looked at him with a soft expression. "Sweetheart.. I know you really want to see Mike but.." She said but couldn't continue. "But what?! It has been 157 days!" He yelled. She put a hand on his shoulder gently. "You'll be able to see him when the time comes. It's just not safer right now." She said, putting on a soft smile. "When?! Day 200?! Day 300?! Day 400?! Day 500?!" He yelled, standing up. "You lie!" He yelled. Joyce could only embrace her son in a tight hug.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I know you wanna see him but.. they can take you.. I just want you to be safe." She said. "I can handle them.." He said while pulling away. "Just.. promise me you'll be safe." She asked. Will nodded. They walked to his room together and Will got into bed. Joyce left and closed the door slightly, letting light from the hallway peek through. This was how Will liked to sleep.

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