Feelings|| 014

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Mikes POV                                         , 1986
Hawkins, Indiana
The Wheelers household

"Will? It's Mike. Over."

Will and I have been communicating over the walkie talkies.

"Hello Mike. Over."

I taught him how to use it.

We mainly just talk about it random stuff.

It's fun.

"Your girlfriend has been coming over to my house with Hopper a lot." Will said. "Over."

"Girlfriend?" Oh shit. I never told Will that we broke up.

"Yea, El. Over."

"El and I.. broke up. I broke up with her but we're still friends. And why is she going to yours again? Over." I replied.

"Well, Hopper and mum talk. They talk in the dining room. I don't know why. Over." The chest nut haired boy replied.


"I have to go. Mums calling me. Over." Will spoke.

"Okay. I'll call you later. Over."

I pushed down the antenna and put the walkie talkie on my bed next to me. I pushed myself up off the bed and walked downstairs. Mum was just finishing dinner so I helped set the table for her. She might've not been a great mum in her life but she tried. Unlike my dad. He'd just sit on the couch all day.

Wills POV

I walk into the dining room where I see a bunch of plates set out. I see El and Hopper. They've been eating over at ours lately. I sit next to El and we make slight conversation. El has been giving mum and Hopper suspicious looks lately. She thinks something is going on between them.

A grab a napkin and gently wipe my face before accidentally dropping it on the floor. I leaned down and grabbed the napkin before something caught my eye. Jim and mum were holding hands. Mike and El did that, well, when they were still together. I slowly sit up properly and see that Joyce has a massive smile on her face while Jim talks to her. Jonathan grabbed his cup of water that had ice cubes, slightly melted, inside it. "Why are you two holding hands?" I blurt out randomly. Jonathan coughed on the water. The two were surprised and El wasn't even shocked. "Well, I guess it's time to tell you guys. Jim and I are.. dating." Mum smiled. Jonathan shrugged his shoulders and El didn't give any reaction. I was the only one who didn't know. I nod vigorously.

This was such a shock to me. I never payed attention to them but it all makes sense now. I should've listened to El. She knew. I quickly shoved food into my mouth, barely chewing. I wanted to tell this to Mike. I wonder how he'd react?

Sometimes I wonder if I like Mike in a dating way. I just get so.. it's hard to describe but I get this feeling around him that just makes me happy. I'm pretty sure it's only acceptable to date the opposite gender though. I came across a channel on tv. It said something about gays. How they're not acceptable. I figured out what gay meant by them speaking about it like, "You should never date the opposite gender!" The voice yelled loudly, scaring Will. I shouldn't be having these feelings over a boy. Let alone my best friend.

"Slow down, Will. The foods not going any where." Jonathan jokes, slightly laughing.

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