Arohi's pagfera

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The next day Arohi had taken leave from the hospital as she had to go for her pagfera rasm .

Arohi was sitting on the floor of her room in goenka house surrounded with books as she was sorting them to take birla house . When between some books she found a photograph of her childhood standing in the middle of Kartik and Sirat .

She was gloomy since morning and seeing the picture her eyes caught tears.

She remembered how this was only a picture of her alone with her parents and she has successfully hidden it from every family member from 10 years since she first found it .

She had decided that she would frame it from her first salary but she couldn't find the picture that time even after finding it for the whole day but she still had that part of her salary safe in hope to find the picture someday.

Arohi leaned to the wall placing photo to her chest and closed her eyes to get peace from that picture.

Before Naira's truth got revealed Arohi was okay holding tag of bratty sister and Akshara being a good sister only thing she used to get offended was when Manish or other family members used to be rude with her mother . Many times she told akshara about it but she used to shrug it off saying it must be some elder thing but this never made sense to Arohi and she used to jump in arguments of elders to take her mother's side and was always ready to get scolded by her mother but still she used to do the same because Kartik used to take sirat's side too .
She considered it her duty to protect her mother when her father was not there.

But after Naira's truth and her parents death , Arohi started understanding their early said words . cursing sirat's blood , comparing her actions with naira's and everything made her insecurities grow and Akshara kept above Arohi started being visible to her.

Arohi was in her own thoughts finally having peace she was lacking from her wedding day but it didn't last long as Akshara's voice came as she was climbing stairs chanting her name.

Arohi stood up keeping the picture safely in her bag and then keeping a pile of books back in the cupboard and rest in her bag .

"You didn't tell me you are coming here today"
"Aru are you okay and Abhi"
"Abhi is good with you na ,I mean he is not rude with you na"
Askara said roaming to and fro with Arohi as she was keeping her books ignoring Akshara.

"Aru.."akshara said placing her hand over Arohi's to stop her .

"PLEASE, LET ME BE ALONE" Arohi shouted but let out a sigh seeing akshara holding her breath
"You go I am also coming downstairs" Arohi said and Akshara went saddened.

"What does she want from me now"Arohi asked herself squiching her eyes hard . But moved out of room after taking her bag as she reached stairs she saw Akshara already standing on lowest stair while her eyes fixed on Arohi.

Arohi stepped forward she tripped and fell from stairs and rolled down some stairs till half way.
(Just like sirat while dying)

"Aruuu.." Akshara shouted as she saw Arohi but seeing her in the same coloured suit as sirat had on the day dying and almost in the same state her breaths got high she almost a panic attack she used to get.

Meanwhile all Goenka's came running towards Akshu as they heard her shouting seeing Akshu struggling with oxygen everybody came to her and took her to sofa rubbing her palms and ofering water but didn't noticed Arohi.

Here, Arohi stood her own , she shook dirt off her palm . She got hurt on forehead too but the cut was covered with her hair and physical pain was covered with the sight going in front of her eyes .

All the time her eyes didn't move a bit aside from Goenkas but Goenkas eyes also didn't move a bit to bother about Arohi.

But a moment later she felt Manish head moving towards her but before she could think anything
"What are you doing there , check your sister look she is breathing heavily"
Manish shouted even making Arohi flinge.

"Just give her some space she will be alright" Abhimanyu said standing at the entrance and came inside after grabbing everyone's attention.

He looked at Arohi but after a small eye contact Arohi went to pick her bag without any expression on her face .

She knew that Abhimanyu came worrying if she will start any confrontation with Akshara.

Meanwhile Akshara was now okay and Kairav asked that what made Akshara to get panic attack.

"Maybe because she saw Arohi falling and might because of her sister's love" Abhimanyu said , yes he was standing there from that time .

Sister's love seriously akshara didn't even have a glace if Arohi was alright since she noticed Abhimanyu.

"Arohi fell ?" Only Kairav asked out of all who just nodded in understanding about Akshara's condition.

"Ya, Are you okay" Abhimanyu asked Arohi who was coming towards him .

But she just ignored everybody and went outside.

"I am sorry , she was always this mannerless" Manish said gritting his teeth and calling Abhimanyu inside.

But Abhimanyu was feeling pissed by their statements.

"It's okay I was here for her only" Abhimanyu said going behind Arohi.


Abhimanyu and Arohi were in car , Abhimanyu was driving and Arohi was on passenger seat looking out of the window while it was hard to tell she was holding her breath or tears.

"I.." before Abhimanyu could complete his words Arohi asked him to stop the car in relatively higher volume.

" Why"

"Stop or i will jump out" Arohi said opening the door while Abhimanyu panicked at her actions and stopped the car .

They were near a park , when Arohi stepped out of car
"I will come my own" Arohi said in monotone closing door and went to backseat to grab her bag .

"It's okay I will take it home"

"Okay" she said closing the door and moving inside park .

Arohi sat near the trench (where once Abhimanyu and Akshara confessed) holding her knees to her chest .

She let out a sigh as if she was trying to enjoy the weather but the sigh ended with a loud cry .

She buried her head to her hands lering out all frustration she was holding in form of tears .
Those interns ,neil, Goenkas, Abhimanyu and everyone's words echo her ears.

Abhimanyu was standing beside a tree from a distance behind Arohi(where Arohi was standing during confession).

Abhimanyu tightened his grip on tree bark knowing he can't do anything for her and he might be the reason for her condition .

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