Arohi abhimanyu arguement

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"What are you doing" Arohi said frustratedly knitting her brows as soon Abhimanyu dragged her in his cabin.

"What?" Abhimanyu shrugged as he didn't know why he did that

"Normal people don't drag someone like this" Arohi said making face.

"This.." Abhimanyu said pointing towards Arohi's face .
"You always make faces infront of me but you were laughing and openly smiling with that guy"

"Maybe because that guy is not planning to run away with my sister"


"No, I am going to have an extra marital affair with my sister"

"Extra marital affair" Abhimanyu said about aloud being dumbfounded.

"Of course now you know that Akshara came that day to confess , now what are you guys planning"
"Runaway with each other,"
"Have an affair behind my back ,"
"Or convince the whole family that I am the bad bitch who came between you and Akshara's 'love' " Arohi said with every next sentence coming more closure to Abhimanyu .

"Remember, I would prefer to be called myself murderer or widow rather than divorcee or third person" Arohi warned  pointing finger towards him while their faces were just an inch apart .

Abhimanyu who till now was trying hard to figure out what Arohi must have seen or heard that made her think like that   just wanted to keep everything aside for that brief moment and just get lost in her eyes .
So do Arohi ,she also just wanted to believe his eyes that he didn't think anything like that.

After a minute Abhimanyu's gaze lowered towards Arohi's lips which were parted away.
Realising it ,Arohi wet her lips and pressed them in a thin line. Again Abhimanyu looked at her eyes with a smirk in eyes.

"Re.. remember" Arohi murmured in hitched breath before walking off taking her anger with herself.

Abhimanyu stood there in his place enjoying the garden in his heart and butterflies in stomach.
"Focus, Abhimanyu focus your wife is upset with you" but again smiled like a fool before exiting.
Abhimanyu was passing by in the corridor engrossed in his phone when he heard someone call him Abhi from front he looked in the direction to find Akshara standing there .

Abhimanyu immediately changed his corridor ignoring another"Abhi.." from Akshara again looking at his phone .

Somebody called Akshara too and she went before taking a last glance at Abhimanyu .

Abhimanyu took off his eyes from the phone for a moment but saw Neil standing there who rolled his eyes on him and went.

"I need to sort this out " Abhimanyu thought to himself before going after him.

"Neil" Abhimanyu called neil who was taking water from a water camper and simply ignored Abhimanyu .

"Why are you ignoring me, telling me I am wrong to think about marriage and not her , and what she's doing trying to ruin her sister's marriage,
Again and again approaching me.." he had more to say but stopped seeing Neil closing his eyes with 'i am done' look while gulping water down his throat.

" Because not everyone's love exists for two days or just changes or vanishes  with situations" Neil said and walked off handling Abhimanyu glass.

Abhimanyu was sitting in the cafeteria surrounded with his thoughts ,till now he was somewhere happy that he's moving on from Akshara but after Neil's words he doubted his love .

Whole life he had seen love through Manjari waiting for his namesake father even though he didn't give a damn how late Manjari woke to wait for him for dinner or could just ask whether she had eaten or not .

He always concluded that love is the most dangerous thing as a person forgets his own worth for somebody else. After Akshara didn't confess on the wedding day he had concluded to himself that he is also gonna suffer his whole life like his mother but seeing himself happy with Arohi or maybe slowly falling for her now itches him that he is not a loyal person or maybe a bad person like his father.

Abhimanyu was in his own thoughts when Harsh came to him asking permission if he could sit there but as he was going to ask he realised he was baap of Abhimanyu and didn't need his permission.

Harsh simply sat in front of Abhimanyu but seeing his son not noticing him and sitting lost looking tensed he tapped his coffee mug twice to gain Abhimanyu's attention.
And he succeeded.

"Any problem" Harsh asked with a stern voice as like every other Indian father he also lacks concerned or comforting words.

"Is it possible that you think you love somebody but you don't" Abhimanyu asked but lowered his eyes again knowing the answer already.

'It is not'

"It can be," Abhimanyu looked up at his father hearing his unexpected answer .

"Maybe you just found her fitting in your family photo better and easier than the girl you were supposed to"

"You found her merging with your family easily and even in your future imaginations you saw her giggling and laughing next to your mother while cooking food.
But never standing next to you , just you and her" Although Abhimanyu was getting his answers from his father he couldn't ignore the determination and uneasy sorrow in his father's eyes while he was narrating and no more focusing on Abhimanyu.

"But there is a difference between a girl you always wanted and a girl you fall in love with , in the first case you see your perfect future ahead and in the second you are ready to make your future perfect and do anything to make her smile"

At night Abhimanyu came out of the bathroom after changing and saw Arohi lying down on her side of the bed and doing something on her phone.

Abhimanyu also lay down on his side of bed and switched off lights but seeing Arohi unbothered he again turned on lights and then again turned them off .

"What?" But this time it was Abhimanyu's turn to ignore so Arohi just kept her phone aside and closed her eyes.

"I am angry at you" Abhimanyu said seeing the conversation ending .

"Why?" Arohi asked with concern but changed her statement as realised "So stay angry"

Abhimanyu smiled at her changed statements and continued
"You didn't even  try to know the whole conversation and just blamed me"
Getting no response from the other side he continued

"I didn't even think once about anything like what you concluded when he told me that Akshara came that day ,
And simply told her that i don't care about it and now I am Arohi's husband means yours and..."

He was going to convince more but Arohi just hummed and turned the other side making him face her back .

But on the side Arohi cupped her own face trying not to blush or even smile at his mention as Arohi's husband.

From periphery Abhimanyu also knew Arohi was smiling so keeping his one arm under head he also closed his eyes with a satisfied smile loving his effect on her.

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