Harsh and Abhimanyu's convo

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It was evening and as Arohi was on leave that day so she was just doing dressing of some kid on knees.

Usually kids are not her cup of tea ,they were always too dramatic for her but she was doing it to keep herself busy.

"Aahh..." the kid cried before even the ointment could touch him.

"Seriously,it haven't touched yet" Arohi said showing him the cotton bud with ointment.

The kid got silenced but for sometime only .

"Look, I got a bigger one am I crying " Arohi said to kid when again he started crying showing him cut on her head removing hair from it .

For next some time the kid was silent while Arohi did his dressing .

"Okay, done" Arohi said smiling once done as she felt she was a bit rude before.

Arohi gave her hand to the kid to make him stand as he was sitting on bed and she was on her knees .
The kid was about to go but faced Arohi and ran his little hand on Arohi's forehead revealing the cut and blowing some flattering air to it and ran outside .

Another reason to dislike kids ,  they take out Arohi's soft side to the world which she hides from everyone.

Arohi was rooted in her place for some moments recovering from the beautiful feeling of being  cherished .
When she felt a hand on her shoulder she looked towards him to find harsh standing there with a smile telling he saw everything.

Arohi stood up picking up the first aid kit from floor .

Harsh took the kit from her hand telling her"now your turn" he started wiping dried blood through wet cotton pad .

"How this happened?" He asked pointing towards wound

"Actually sir, " Arohi was about to lie but Harsh intruppted her inbetween.

Please beta you are my last hope to hear papa else.."

"Papa.."Arohi said already being emotional hearing beta from him .

Harsh smiled placing pad in box and taking out cream from it .

"Beta you know..."
Before he could complete Arohi took him in a hug all sudden making whole tube of cream emptying in her hairs .

Harsh was about to react but heard Arohi weeping from other side . He got worried all sudden and asking her what happened he tried to break the hug but Arohi wasn't leaving him so he just did what she wanted .
Stood there rubbing her back of head and comforting her without uttering any word .

After some minute Arohi got normal and broke the hug Harsh saw her with concerned look but seeing Arohi not meeting her eyes with him he didn't asked anything and making environment lighter he showed her the empty tube and pointing another finger towards her hairs .

Arohi chuckled wiping her tears .
Harsh took a tissue and wiped to extra ointment from her hairs telling her to go home and wash her hairs .

After some time
Harsh was waiting Abhimanyu outside some patients room crossing his hands to his chest and with stern expression .

"I need to talk to you" Harsh said as he saw Abhimanyu coming out .but Abhimanyu took a step ignoring him .

Harsh placed his hand on Abhimanyu's chest stopping him
"It's about my daughter"

"Don't do the same mistake you hate me for"
"I don't know what the reason is  but i know you are not interested in this marriage"Abhimanyu looked at him wide eyed .
"But do anything but i don't want to see her crying ever again" Harsh said giving him ultimatum and turned to go .

He turned again to look at Abhimanyu who was standing there in deep thoughts
"Is there something you want to tell me?"

Next scene Abhimanyu and Harsh were sitting on a bench outside hospital fixing there eyes on ground as Abhimanyu told harsh about all events happened in Goenka house and Arohi's burst out in park .

"I knew Goenkas were bastards" harsh said angrily. while Abhimanyu looked at him wide eyes.

"What , Arohi is a birla now" Harsh said looking at Abhimanyu .
Abhimanyu nodded again fixing his eyes to ground realising his father is not bothered that he cursed and had his whole attention to Arohi .

"And remember to treat her like one
Make it tattooed that Arohi's tears and your death are just some minutes apart"

Abhimanyu hummed getting up

"And this your rude attitude do something to it too"

"But that's my voice , my pitch" Abhimanyu said looking harsh as if he was so saying some alien things .

"I don't know,change it , it sounds rude" harsh said in same tone as Abhimanyu


Late night Abhimanyu came to his room and saw Arohi already sleeping on the couch with a note sticking on side

"We'll sleep on it alternate days"

"No need" Abhimanyu wrote below on same note  but felt something wrong he cutted the days with night .

"She's bad at vocabulary "Abhimanyu said to himself

He couldn't wake Arohi so decided that he will sleep on bed today but It will remain Arohi's.
He was going to take a shower but some strong ointment smell came to his nose he moved closer to Arohi as smell was coming from her .

Yes this Angry bird is a lazy bird too ,she didn't washed her hairs.

Abhimanyu removed hair strands from her forehead and saw a bandage there. He gently touched it knowing how she got that wound .
But as he touched her she felt warm he placed his hand to her forehead to check and found that she had fever.

Abhimanyu picked Arohi in bridal style and placed her on bed . Taking out thermometer from drawer he checked her and found she had high temperature.

He took a pill of fever but now the main problem was how he make her eat it ,he scratched back of his head in confusion but ran out of room as he got some idea .

Abhimanyu went to kitchen and crushed the tablet with rolling pin then taking it in spoon he came to his room again .
He mixed the crushed tablet with some water and then making it like syrup he fed it to her ,and then some water spoon by spoon .
He was wiping sides of her mouth but Arohi bit his finger .

"And sir said to be gentle with her" Abhimanyu whinned shaking his hand on pain but smiled at the end.

He was feeling bad for Arohi since he saw how Goenkas behaved he was feeling bad that the environment he saw today was in which Arohi lived all these years being neglected ,called mannerless ,rude .
And felt maybe that was the reason why Arohi didn't back off from marriage because it was an escape for her a permanent escape from her toxic household.
But what she got here her husband loves her sister ,the girl she have been neglected for her whole life .
But he was feeling a bit happy and relieved seeing his father living her more than his real son.

Abhimanyu placed cold water strip on her hand and went to take shower.
He came back and sitting on the seat beside her he changed the water strip as he placed his hand on her forehead he felt her murmuring something in tears .

"I lied..i lied i didn't decide to become a doctor when mumma died it was when I first saw bade papa talking with a doctor respectfully..
I thought if I become a doctor he will respect me too , love me too but.." Arohi mummered while sobbing.
While Abhimanyu was looking at her with hurtful eyes and wiping her tears .

Don't know how long Arohi cried in the influence of the pill and Abhimanyu sat there brushing off her tears while looking at her .

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